Don’t Be a Contradiction to Your Desires

What are some of your deepest desires? Close your eyes and briefly imagine something that if you achieved or received NOW, it would ignite your soul… Now that you’ve imagined it, can you honestly say that you haven’t been a contradiction to your desire(s)? If not that’s great but if you have, this is something that you may NOW want to be conscious about.

We all possess deep desires whether we share them with others or not. Some desires may be viewed as being on a larger scale of things such as being a millionaire while others are perceived smaller such as keeping a steady job. What ever your desire is, you may be blocking it by being a direct contradiction to it. One way of being a contradiction, is having resentment for others who’ve already achieved the desire you want. If you are not happy for those who already have what you want or who is already where you aspire to be, you are continuously pushing it further and further away from coming directly to you!

For example, lately on my timeline I have been seeing many people getting married or engaged, getting accepted to the school of their choice, getting offered amazing dream jobs, etc. Resulting from those wonderful experiences, I have also been seeing many others who are bitter because they are not yet married nor engaged or receiving what they deeply desire. By sending negative vibes, whether verbally voicing them or internally thinking them, you are keeping the vibration of lack heavily in your experience. You can also push them away by thinking low thoughts such as your desire being unattainable.

Most people are familiar with the introductory version of “The Law of Attraction” which basically says you will experience what you focus on. So if you want to get rich then you shouldn’t have hateful thoughts based on those who are wealthy. If you want to be married you shouldn’t harbor negative feelings towards someone else who is married. You can’t receive your inner desire unless you are happy for them because then your focus is set on achievement rather than the lack of it. Have faith in knowing that what GOD has for you, it is specifically for you and someone else receiving their blessing will not strike you from receiving yours! If you are NOW aware that you are in fact contradicting your desires, don’t feel bad about it. The good thing is that you can change your thoughts NOW. Start using affirmations to help change your beliefs.

“When you want to attract something into your life, make sure your actions don’t contradict your desires.. Think about what you have asked for, and make sure that your actions are mirroring what you expect to receive, and that they’re not contradicting what you‘ve asked for. Act as if you are receiving it. Do exactly what you would do if you were receiving it today, and take actions in your life to reflect that powerful expectation. Make room to receive your desires, and as you do, you are sending out that powerful signal of expectation.― Rhonda Byrne, The Secret

Many spiritual teachers have spoke about this subject but here’s a clip from one of my favorite authors! Listen to it and comment your thoughts below! What are some desires that you have been a contradiction to?

A Very Social Anti-Social Person

IG=@thedopestbloggeralive Twitter=@dopestblogger SnapChat=@dopestblogger

“Her blog is sooo dope, but she doesn’t post as much as I would like.”

“I haven’t seen her out much any more.”

“She promoted a lot for her party but it seems like she fell off.”

“I like her posts, but she needs way more variety.”

Above are some of the many statements that one can say about me or my blog. The interesting thing is that I am very conscious about the statements that can be said because I agree. I am aware of all of my pros and cons about my blog but for a while I have been struggling to manage a healthy balance. The good thing is that I can only go up from here 🙂

I’ve been told that I am a very social anti-social person. (A contradiction I know!) The social part of me is being a blogger and a great friend that loves to inspire great discussions amongst others. The anti social part of me comes along with being a mother and a student. Being a mother is my busiest role because it never stops or pauses. This is not a complaint because this is also my most valuable role. Some people don’t understand the time commitment that being a parent requires. Many don’t realize that you may not be able to go places spontaneously because of lack of a sitter or plans already made with your child.

Being a law student takes the remainder of my time. Any law student can be a witness that law school is not an easy task! Again, I am not complaining about any of this because all of my roles are blessing but the fact remains that I am always busy. The mother and student roles contribute to my anti social vibes but I am going to now challenge this. Moving forward, I am going to transition all of my roles towards becoming more social. I recognize that people want to relate to me more. Many believe that my blog is dope but they wonder why I don’t post more frequently.

The lack of balance is why i don’t tweet or post on instagram as much. But one thing I can say is that I appreciate all of my supporters because when I do post I can see the views, stats, and the comments. However, follow me on all social media where I will be giving you more insights on my life.Thanks for your support on this journey and with continued faith it will only get doper.

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Most of us were told at an early age “You can be whatever you want to be when you grow up”. Your parent, kindergarten teacher, or church member may have told you this. However, whether you believed them or not was key! I’m not exactly sure who the first person was to tell Natasha Scruggs’ this but she took this statement and ran with it.

Natasha Scruggs is a 25-year-old St. Louis native who is destined to be a criminal defense lawyer this year with assurance from receiving her Juris Doctorate about a week ago. With plans for being an advocate for justice at an early age, she developed many proactive methods of how she could best serve her community with the fight for equality for the oppressed population. In April, Natasha launched her website “” to promote her entire brand and future releases including “The Scruggs Law Firm” dropping this winter, her non-profit organization “Project Scruggs Heart, Inc”, and her television & film company “Scruggs Vision Productions, LLC”.

The projects above are expected to be released later this year during winter season. However, her very affordable product line “Truth Tees” that is designed with various thought provoking messages including “Freedom”, “Historic”, “Not Guilty”, and “SheEO” are available NOW on the site!

Truth Tees
Truth Tees

Watch the interview below to hear Natasha’s insight on what inspired her evolution on the many distinct concepts for her merchandise.

Did I mention that Natasha ( I call her Tasha) is my cousin? I am so proud of all her accomplishments because I have been a witness of all the trials and tribulations that she has encountered on this journey. No matter how hard things were, she still believed in her vision! If you were not told that cliche truth when you were little, it’s not too late to believe it now. “You can be whatever you want to be”!  I copped my merch from When are you getting yours???

Instagram/Twitter: @_Lawyher
Instagram & Twitter: @_Lawyher

The Adjustment of Lil Boy Black {Clew’s New Video Premiere}

Earlier today, Little Rock’s very own newly notable hip-hop artist Clew, symbolizing his birth name Christian Lewis premiered his new song/video “Lil Boy Black”. The reaction from his faithful fans were more than rewarding but the developing views from this video, created an anticipated buzz that resulted in new followers. I had the opportunity to speak with Clew before the release of his new video to ask him a few questions.

TJE: What is the name of the project that this song will appear on?

Clew: The project name is actually still up in the air. This song was supposed to be on a project entitled “Champagne Brunches”, but the vision for that project changed. “Lil Boy Black” will be released on a small EP alongside a few other singles that I’ve put out this year.

TJE:When did you write this song and was there a personal inspiration behind it? 

Clew: I wrote this song after a situation that took place in my life. One of the lil homies accidentally killed his friend trying to be “hard”.  I also wrote the song for everybody that has witnessed this take place. Maybe in their neighborhood or even on the Internet. But I had to shed light on how destructive and deteriorating we can be toward ourself.

My first thoughts on seeing this video was Earth Wind and Fireeeee! LOL. For those who personally know me, that simply means it was a dope video. It was great witnessing Clew’s vision for this video come to light. I feel that this song is a good view point for others who are easily acceptable to peer pressure. Make better decisions before it is too late. Check out his new video below and comment your thoughts. So far this video has 1,326 views on Facebook please share with everyone you know to support Clew.

Trailing Tlo Da Champ’s Lucid Dreamzzz’s


Tony Lofton, more known as Tlo Da Champ, is a 26 year old hip-hop artist born and raised in Jackson, MS. Full with personality, he has been growing his fan base more and more by connecting with many through his countless performances around the city. Tlo is one of the few artists that helped me celebrate the second anniversary of The Juicy Expressions, by blessing the stage with a dope performance. He is apart of A.I.M. H.I.G.H. Records, where he has the opportunity to produce creative works solo as well with others.

While now currently involved in numerous business affairs, he dropped his latest full project “Lucid Dreamzzz’s” on September 11, 2015. Simply defined, a lucid dream is a dream in which you are actually aware that you are dreaming. My favorite track on this project is “Come Back”. In this song, he describes how he wants a girl to come back –not just to him but back to the way she was before he hurt her. I also like “Righteous”, “Wreckless”, and “Beat Back”.

Tlo is probably the goofiest person I’ve ever interviewed because he kept me laughing the entire time. Watch the interview with him below and comment your thoughts on the #JuicyQuestionOfTheDay? Also let us know what your favorite track is on “Lucid Dreamzzz’s”.

Follow @Tlodachamp on all social media
Follow @Tlodachamp on all social media

Watch the full version of “Beat Back” below!