Who are you? When this question is asked, so many people quickly answer without pondering what the actual question really means. You may answer, well I am a lawyer, doctor, basketball player, entrepreneur, hard worker, etc.. You may say that you’re a person that has kids, nice cars, a decent home, etc…. All of those answers above did not answer my question. Those answers are strictly what you do or what you possess but they are not who you are. What will happen if you no longer possess the things you have or participate in the things that you do? What will happen if you get fired from a job or loose your nice cars? Will you no longer be you? Some people believe that their life no longer has value just because they got fired from their profession and now they will no longer do what they used to do. But that really wasn’t who they were.
As humans, we put too much pressure on ourselves and others. This pressure creates many negative feelings which creates a downward spiral of negative events. Pressure is one reason why many commit suicide. Because some feel that there is no point in living since they no longer have or they no longer are a(n) “_____”. Now, this may be a dramatic case but this is how some feel but we must take the pressure away from ourselves.
Now I can’t say who you are because I don’t know you personally but I can answer the question for me. I am an expanding being. I am someone that knows that no matter what things will always work out for me. I am someone that is very grateful and understands that there is a lesson that can be learned in every situation that I experience. I am apart of God and I am striving to see the world through his eyes as he would want me to see it. I am a naturally loving being that recognizes when I’m off balanced from the natural love that I possess. I am one that knows that I will sometimes fall off my path but I am one that will align myself to get back on it effectively. Being in law school is something that I do and having a child is something that I possess but it is not truly who I am.
I could go on and on about who I am because there is more to me than that paragraph above but you get the picture. STOP PUTTING SO MUCH PRESSURE ON YOURSELF!! It is okay to be what you want to be and have want you want to have. But understand that there is more to you than that. So I’m going to ask you again. Who are you? Comment below.