Have any of you guys sent out naked pictures to your mate, boo thing, or someone who is just a “friend”? If so what was the outcome? Were there any regrets? I have sent a full nude pic a very long time ago in high school to my first love. He did admit to showing his best friend only to brag about how good I looked, but I still wasn’t happy that he even did that small part of exposure. Now days I wouldn’t dare send a naked picture! I never send naked pics no matter what level we are on, because you never know what a person will do if they reach their limit for whatever reason. Also if we are on that level, when we are in person I will allow you to take a mental picture.
I have witnessed dudes expose females that they use to be in love with on social media, through mass text messages, or by showing their friends. I think that is real petty and weak! Showing your friends is one thing although it was sent only for you, but exposing someone disrespectfully on social media is taking things to a WHOLE new level. Especially having the full pages on Instagram and Facebook called Thots Exposed or whatever degrading name you call it, is just pure wrong. What is the world coming to? I do feel like it is a person’s job to be discrete but the men or people who are out here WIYLIN makes it hard to trust someone with a precious picture.
There were so many times that Badd Banana and I thought about making a male exposed page but we didn’t because you can’t fix wrong with wrong. I’m sure when I’m married I will be able to send my husband a nude picture but till then DON’T EVEN ASK! 🙂 For those who have exposed women on social media because you were mad at her or for whatever alternative reason, please comment and explain why? Do you think you had the right to expose or do you honestly know you were being petty? At what point did you decide to expose her? How can you expose someone that you used to be in love with? Ladies have you ever regretted sending a nude pic? SORRY if you feel that I am being one sided but I have never seen a woman expose an actual naked picture of a man on social media but if you feel that women do this just as much as men, comment on that because I really want to hear that point of view! Express it below!!!! -Juicy Peach