Behind the Exposure of Sending Naked Pictures

Have any of you guys sent out naked pictures to your mate, boo thing, or someone who is just a “friend”? If so what was the outcome? Were there any regrets? I have sent a full nude pic a very long time ago in high school to my first love. He did admit to showing his best friend only to brag about how good I looked, but I still wasn’t happy that he even did that small part of exposure. Now days I wouldn’t dare send a naked picture! I never send naked pics no matter what level we are on, because you never know what a person will do if they reach their limit for whatever reason. Also if we are on that level, when we are in person I will allow you to take a mental picture.

I have witnessed dudes expose females that they use to be in love with on social media, through mass text messages, or by showing their friends. I think that is real petty and weak! Showing your friends is one thing although it was sent only for you, but exposing someone disrespectfully on social media is taking things to a WHOLE new level. Especially having the full pages on Instagram and Facebook called Thots Exposed or whatever degrading name you call it, is just pure wrong. What is the world coming to? I do feel like it is a person’s job to be discrete but the men or people who are out here WIYLIN makes it hard to trust someone with a precious picture.

 There were so many times that Badd Banana and I thought about making a male exposed page but we didn’t because you can’t fix wrong with wrong. I’m sure when I’m married I will be able to send my husband a nude picture but till then DON’T EVEN ASK! 🙂 For those who have exposed women on social media because you were mad at her or for whatever alternative reason,  please comment and explain why? Do you think you had the right to expose or do you honestly know you were being petty? At what point did you decide to expose her? How can you expose someone that you used to be in love with? Ladies have you ever regretted sending a nude pic? SORRY if you feel that I am being one sided but I have never seen a woman expose an actual naked picture of a man on social media but if you feel that women do this just as much as men, comment on that because I really want to hear that point of view! Express it below!!!! -Juicy Peach

Unfair Love

I was courtside to this situation and it was so mind bothering that I had to write about it. There is a woman and man who have known each other since childhood but they haven’t been in touch over the years besides small talk on social networks. One day in their hometown they met up with a group of family and friends, this was the first time they have seen each other in about 4 years. When the woman saw him she was definitely feeling him but she didn’t act on it because she is not the type to pursue a man. By the end of the night the man spoke up at let the woman know that he was feeling her also. The woman was glad that he approached her because she liked what she saw. They had a ton of things in common down to the type of books that they read. The thing that attracted her most, is the grind that the man had. His mentality was all about improvement and reaching his full capacity. The woman is the biggest grinder she is always setting goals and achieving them so she desires someone who is equally yoked. The man was showing great interest in the woman so she let him run the show. He asked if she wanted to leave with him so they can spend time alone from the friends and family. The woman agreed to leave with the man and they had an exquisite time. She felt as if they were deeply connected and was wrapped with the warm energy the man was giving off. When the night ended the man dropped the woman off and she never heard from him again.(What?!?!?!?!?) These are my personal thoughts about how that situation ended! But I am leaving out a part of the story.

The woman dated another man in high school who she also grew up with who happens to be good friends with the man. The woman and the other man were young high school sweethearts but their relationship ended the woman’s senior year in high school. They stayed in contact but always remained friends. So is that why the man never contacted the woman back? Is he afraid to face his friend about how he feel about the woman? OR was he not really feeling the woman?? But that couldn’t be because he is the one who pursued her!!

 I actually believe that it is not wrong on either party if the woman and the man dated. The reason why is because the woman dated his friend in high school which was actually six years ago. People grow and change so much in six years. Also the man she dated is in a committed relationship with someone else and has other things going on. Although he might feel some type of way if she dated the man, that still shouldn’t stop the man and woman from dating. He was her high school sweet heart but this man could be her soul mate. She didn’t talk to him to spite her ex, life just brought them together. You can’t keep tabs on someone just because you dated them once in your life. I understand if the relationship just ended but if it was 4+ years then I feel like you have to just be happy for them.

 If you are now really interested in someone but that certain person is friends with one of your ex’s that you dated years ago would you ignore what you feel?

 If you are the ex that finds out that your ex girl/boyfriend that you dated years ago is deeply feeling one of your friends would you judge them for wanting to start a relationship together?

 Do you think the man and the woman should give their “relationship/friendship” a try?


-Juicy Peach

Behind the Lens: Interview with N.O. Photographer Myron Thibodeaux

JUICY PEACH photo credit Myron Thibodeaux
JUICY PEACH photo credit Myron Thibodeaux

“I like to capture moments…I always want people to go back and reflect on the times” Those are the words of the ever so talented photographer Myron Thibodeaux, a New Orleans native who’s taking the art of photography to a new level one snapshot at a time. For you and I a picture may simply be something to look at but for this young man it breathes life into his soul. His work doesn’t just involve people but architecture as well and with photos such as the New Orleans Superdome (his personal favorite) his portfolio is very diverse. Taking his city by a storm he is bringing life to different aspects of New Orleans for the world to see. The ladies of juicy expressions had the great opportunity to work with Lil Myron Thibb and he didn’t let us down. His character is just as impressive as his work. Humble, funny, and innovative this young man is definitely on the come up. So go ahead and check out this juicy interview we did to get a chance to learn about the man behind the lens and be sure to contact him if you are in need of any type of services in the NOLA!

INSTAGRAM : @lilmyronthibb email: [email protected]

Gorgeous Grape

BANANA photo credit Myron Thibodeaux
BADD BANANA photo credit Myron Thibodeaux
BUBBLE GUM photo credit to Myron Thibodeaux
BUBBLE GUM photo credit to Myron Thibodeaux
TEAM FLAVOR photo credit to Myron Thibodeaux
TEAM FLAVOR photo credit to Myron Thibodeaux
JUICYY PEACH photo by Myron Thibodeaux
JUICYY PEACH photo by Myron Thibodeaux
gorgeous grape photo credit to Myron Thibodeaux
gorgeous grape photo credit to Myron Thibodeaux



Why are you so mad if you’re not a LOOKIN A** N****?

Look at y’all lyin’ ass n*****, Talkin’ ’bout “It’s paid off” but it’s financed, lyin’ ass n****,Bunch of non-mogul ass n*****
,Frontin’ like they got a plan, Boost Mobile ass n****.” These lyrics are from Nicki Minaj’s  latest release “lookin ass-n****”. Although this rap song is only a couple of weeks old, it seems to have sparked a lot of controversy amongst African American men, who are now claiming that any woman who is feeling the lyrics of this song must be suffering from low self- esteem. I find this claim to be an understatement and a reflection of low self-esteem on men who feel this way. Rap music in general constantly degrades black women on a daily basis, one may even say that 50% of today’s rap music is built on the degradation of women. However vulgar lyrics and the representation of women as b***es and whores have never stopped men from bobbing their heads and in some cases even embracing this negative perception towards all women.

 With that being said, why does Nicki Minaj’s rap song have so many men upset? Are her lyrics hitting home? Or is Nicki viewed as one of those female rappers who are only allowed to degrade herself and encourage other women to do the same?  Simultaneously the female group TLC received this same negative backlash from men in the early 2000’s from their song “No Scrubs”. It seems that every time a female artist goes against the grain and speaks about the faults and flaws of our male counter parts men don’t know how to deal with it? Why is this? If you haven’t heard the song yet watch the video below and let me know the real reason behind these men comments.

-Green Apple

The Head Issue

Giving Head, Neck, Fellatio, Brain, Oral sex, it’s called so many things now days but the real question is, “How do people really feel about it?” Some people think that oral sex is just a regular part of sex and can be performed with a permanent or casual sex partner. However, there are others who would rather have vaginal sex before they ever put their mouth on a casual sex partner’s penis or vagina. Some men and women say oral sex is a hard earned, special extra-curricular activity that should only be performed on a person that you are in a committed relationship with. There is also the stigma that if a woman performs ORAL SEX too soon they are a “Bussa”, “Jump off”, or , “Easy, with that being said how is a man labeled if he decides to perform fellatio during his first sexual encounter with a new partner? All in all, When is it the right time to have oral sex with your partner or should couples not have have oral sex at all because of certain hygienic issues?

-Green Apple