New Orleans Q93.3 DJ’s Answers Juicy Questions


Juicy Peach with DJ Juggie
Juicy Peach with DJ Juggie



Gorgeous Grape & DJ Juggie
Gorgeous Grape & DJ Juggie

For those who know me knows that New Orleans is one of my favorite places to go, especially to eat and turn up. All Star weekend I had the opportunity to meet DJ Juggie  from one of the hottest radio stations in New Orleans Q93.3. The following weekend I went back down to N.O., there I finally had the chance to sit one on one with the Q93FM radio personality himself. DJ Juggie has his own radio show with Dj Poppa called the “Social Shake Down” where they play the hottest bounce mixes that makes the city go wild. Juggie is so humble and cool that It was actually refreshing meeting someone who hasn’t let their success change their attitude. During the interview he gave insight on how to bounce back from mistakes, how it feels to start from the bottom, and etc. He also answered some of the juicy questions I threw at him and he kept me laughing the entire time. Check out the interview and let me know your thoughts.

For more info on Dj Juggie go to and follow him on Instagram=@juggieofno Twitter=@juggieofno

Team Flavor & DJ Poppa
Team Flavor & DJ Poppa

Dj Poppa has a great hidden personality.  At first meeting him you wouldn’t think that he would open up as much but I was dead wrong. After watching the video you will see I even had to interject while he was talking for clarification on his view on oral sex. This interview was definitely Juicy check it out!






For more info on Dj Poppa check out  Follow Dj Poppa Instagram= @teamdjpoppa Twitter= DjPoppa504


-Juicy Peach

Behind the Lens: Interview with N.O. Photographer Myron Thibodeaux

JUICY PEACH photo credit Myron Thibodeaux
JUICY PEACH photo credit Myron Thibodeaux

“I like to capture moments…I always want people to go back and reflect on the times” Those are the words of the ever so talented photographer Myron Thibodeaux, a New Orleans native who’s taking the art of photography to a new level one snapshot at a time. For you and I a picture may simply be something to look at but for this young man it breathes life into his soul. His work doesn’t just involve people but architecture as well and with photos such as the New Orleans Superdome (his personal favorite) his portfolio is very diverse. Taking his city by a storm he is bringing life to different aspects of New Orleans for the world to see. The ladies of juicy expressions had the great opportunity to work with Lil Myron Thibb and he didn’t let us down. His character is just as impressive as his work. Humble, funny, and innovative this young man is definitely on the come up. So go ahead and check out this juicy interview we did to get a chance to learn about the man behind the lens and be sure to contact him if you are in need of any type of services in the NOLA!

INSTAGRAM : @lilmyronthibb email: [email protected]

Gorgeous Grape

BANANA photo credit Myron Thibodeaux
BADD BANANA photo credit Myron Thibodeaux
BUBBLE GUM photo credit to Myron Thibodeaux
BUBBLE GUM photo credit to Myron Thibodeaux
TEAM FLAVOR photo credit to Myron Thibodeaux
TEAM FLAVOR photo credit to Myron Thibodeaux
JUICYY PEACH photo by Myron Thibodeaux
JUICYY PEACH photo by Myron Thibodeaux
gorgeous grape photo credit to Myron Thibodeaux
gorgeous grape photo credit to Myron Thibodeaux