The REAL author of the Matrix is a Black Woman

This news has been buzzing on the underground for some years now. But of course this information is not really in the public. Sophia Stewart wrote and copyrighted a document called the Third Eye in the 1980’s. She presented an idea for a movie to Warner Brothers but they gave her the run around and nothing was conclusive. Not too long after this the contents of her book was stolen by the creators of the Terminator which created a 5 billion dollar franchise. Years later we are introduced to the Matrix. Her copyrighted material has been used illegally to create this other 5 billion dollar empire that she did not get a dime of. Not only has she not been paid but most importantly she has not been recognized as the author and the creator of this. The FBI informed her of the Terminator and then she later saw the Matrix so she took action. I believe that her lawsuit began in 2005 and is still not finished today. Big companies steal movies all the time and then pay off the writer with a gag deal (meaning they cannot say anything about the settlement or the issue). They offered Ms. Stewart a deal like this after the FBI told her about the Terminator but she declined. They make a lot of money this way and they don’t care about what it does to people or their lives. The Matrix was such a big movie that it couldn’t stay under the radar. This is why she chose not to settle. She created the first Matrix and they tried to create the second and third Matrix like it but it went far from the first. The concepts and the messages of the movies were different from the first. She is currently making another Matrix and I’m interested to see what it will be like. It will be similar to the first in the sense that there is no beginning and no end to life. It was her intentions to create the first science fiction movie with black superheroes that are fighting against the enemy, the machines. She also created herself as a character in her book as “The Oracle”. Her story amazes me and it is very interesting. She is known as a master writer and is extremely smart. She skipped high school and went straight to college and got a degree in journalism and got a minor in law. She has been doing taxes since she was twelve years old and was a prolific reader since she was six years old. I will be buying her book “The Third Eye” so that I can see first-hand what is really going on. If you want to find out more about this topic, do your research. So, how much do you think they should pay her? Also, how do you think they should apologize and acknowledge her for her work?



American Fear: Muslims in America

A CNN poll released recently about Americans and Muslims revealed some sad truths about American ideals concerning Muslims. The polls showed that nearly 50% of Americans would be uncomfortable with…

  1. A woman wearing a burqa
  2. A mosque being built near their neighborhood
  3. Muslim men praying at the airport

AND get this 41% would be uncomfortable with a Muslim teacher teaching at an elementary school in their community while another 47% believe Islam values are in contrast with American values.After reading Eric Marrapodi article “Poll: Many Americans uncomfortable with Muslims” I was literally in tears. Even though I am a Christian the fact that people are STILL so ignorant and consumed by post 911 fears breaks my heart. As many CHRISTIAN AMERICANS who have and continue to murder, kidnap, and rape other citizens its sad that so many people STILL feel the way they do about Muslims. Yes 911 were tragic but just because a few out of millions of Muslims did an act of terrorism in the name of Allah we cast them out? What about all the people running around saying, “Jesus told me to do it”? For example the Texas woman who stoned her 2 children to death in 2004 because God told her to. Or the Oklahoma City bombing committed by an American White Man. Did we as a country fear the white men or mothers of America? Of course not, but driven by fear our nation has cast judgment on those who look different.  I also find it Ironic 47% believe “our” values are at odds with each other. The Quran & Bible both teach us to NOT KILL; STEAL, COMMIT ADULTRY, &TO BE KIND TO ONE ANOTHER so in my eyes our religious beliefs may vary but our values concerning HUMANITY are one in the same.  It is sad that our nation even quivered at its feet when rumors spread President Obama was Muslim. And if he was, what would’ve happen he’d kill us all? I mean come on, how closed minded can we be? But even with all that the most IRONIC part of the poll was 88% of those polled AGREEED “AMERICA WAS FOUNDED ON THE IDEA OF RELIGIOUS FREEDOM FOR EVERYONE, INCLUDING RELGIOUS GROUPS THAT ARE UNPOPULAR.”  Now who’s to blame the media or the individual who buys into the ignorance of fear? EXPRESS IT

-Sunny D

Obama’s Uncle Arrested

Wow the title says it all but after being arrested for a DUI last week president Obama’s half Uncle Onyango Obama, is now facing deportation. After failing multiple sobriety tests Obama was placed under arrest and when asked who he wanted to call for bail he reportedly said, “I’d like to call the white house”. I’m sure that got a few chuckles but after further investigation it became known he was in the country illegally. His case is currently going through immigration. What do politicians have to say? Well white house officials made it known that no call regarding bail was placed to the white house. Now everyone know we all have that family member that acts out here & there but of course being the president this doesn’t look too good for President Obama. With election year coming up image is everything and a half uncle facing deportation after a DUI isn’t a “good look”. This also brings focus back on the, is President Obama “American” enough question or for that sake “American” at all. For instance I’m sure you all remember the Donald Trump Obama birth certificate incident. To me our president’s heritage shouldn’t matter because if that’s the case all our so called “American” presidents’ roots stem from overseas but I won’t go there.  Instead I’ll ask, can you name another president who literally showed his birth certificate so people would stop questioning his citizenship? No, so while Onyango Obama’s arrest may be small it does reopen that door for President Obama.

*Here’s a clip Of Obama making a joke out of the birth certificate drama for those who don’t remember or just want to laugh.

Below is a picture of his actual birth certificate


-Sunny D

Food Stamp Nation

I was browsing the web when I fell across an article on yahoo via Reuters by Kristina Cooke entitled, “USA becomes Food Stamp Nation but is it sustainable?” While her focus was on the growing concern of how in the world can the gov’t afford to fund this program with the current state of the economy, I was stuck on the fact we’re becoming a food stamp nation. Many of us know someone on food stamps or use to be. Just as many aspects of life society has this distorted image of the people reaping the benefits of the program. One being the young single black mother of 5 in flower flip flops, old dry weave, and tats all over. Sadly, this is true for some but if you’re like me you’re more likely to know the crowd of hungry college students in Wal-Mart swiping that good ol card. Maybe the gov’t doesn’t do a good job at screening its applicants or the unemployment rates are taking their tolls but for whatever reason behind this new “food stamp nation” the article had some shocking facts that can’t be overlooked ….

  1. 46 MILLION PEOPLE (15%) are currently on food stamps in the USA
  2. 74% increase of people on food stamps since 2007

How much is this costing the USA? 68 BILLION In 2010 to be exact! We have to do something! Yes there are those people who are abusing the program and “milking” us for what it’s worth but what about those individuals really trying to do better and are just stuck? What can people as an individual and we as a nation do to climb the social ladder and minimize the use of this program?

-Sunny D

Hip Hops Kids- They Helped Change The Game Forever

 As we all know hip hop stars love to spread their royal oats, so what do these kids look like? I have a few of the children that were born at important times of their dads lives. Legends of the rap game feel the need to flow about these kids! But they aren’t babies anymore.


She’s a preteen loving life and is a star of her mom’s tv show Toya: A family affair. Weezy and Toya had Reginae when they were preteens but they know that she is a blessing from God.  The 12 year old is reportedly very charismatic like her father. She a Sagittarius and has the same birthday as me. She’s also a singer and a rapper.


17 year old T’yanna represents her dad in every step she takes. She was born while her father was incarcerated she motivated him to make music instead of sell drugs to get money. This year she graduated from high school and is ready to go to college in the fall.








13 year old Marquise says he wants to be just like his dad. Marquise was born before his music career really took off. After 50 was shot 9 times he needed to be motivated to keep pursuing his dream. He says his son is one of the main reasons he was able to continue. He is a spitting image of him. He’s excited to start his first year of high school this fall!






The 14 year old child star stepped on the acting scene for his dream role to play his late father. He was the young B.I.G. in the blockbuster film “Notorious” in 2009. Since then he was also in another film this year with Will Ferrel. His mom Faith Evans is also a music icon so he is destined to be a star.






15 year old Hallie is a star because her vocals were used for a several of Eminem’s songs over the years. Eminem said that she is the object of his affection and he even has a tattoo of her picture on his arm. He had a drug problem and almost died of an overdose. He said that his daughter was the reason why he is still living. He came out with the “Recovery” album stating that he will not spiral down again and Hallie is his life.






