Going Back to The HOOD After College…

Going back to the hood after college was and still is a very difficult transition for me. When I was in college I could feel myself growing as a person. I met people who held intelligent conversations on a regular basis, and the bachelor degrees that me and my peers pursued were viewed only as the beginning of our educational milestones.  However, after returning to my old neighborHOOD after college I feel as though I am melting.  Instead of intelligent conversations I get peculiar looks followed by the question, “where you from” if I even try to bring a logical or theoretical point of view to a conversation. I get told all the time that “a degree isn’t everything” from people who haven’t earned a degree, and black men in my community act and have stated that they feel intimidated by me. At the end of the day I sometimes feel like a miss-fit in my own community. A degree that I was so proud to earn has become something I don’t talk about unless asked. I even told my mother to stop introducing me as her daughter that graduated from college because it was provoking people (mostly women) to have a nasty attitude towards me. In college they taught us to go home and teach the people in our communities the things we have learned, because the true goal of gaining knowledge is to share it. However, what do you do when the people in your community refuse to learn anything from you, down you for getting an education, and treat you as if you don’t belong? Express it!


Law of Attraction

The law of attraction is a universal law where you attract unto yourself both the things that you like and dislike. You attract the things that you focus your attention on most. If you’re focusing your attention on all the beauty life has to offer than that will be your experience.  On the other hand, if you’re focusing on all the negative things that may occur to you during your journey that is what you will experience. For example, when searching for a mate people mostly focus on the things they don’t want. “I don’t want a man who is broke or who is too clingy.” By that statement you will keep attracting broke and clingy men. You should only say what you do want so you can only get that. “I want a good looking man who takes me out on high-quality dates, and he always respects my space.”

I learned about the law of attraction in 2007 but I really didn’t start enforcing the law until 2008 after the tragic death of my uncle. After my uncle died I felt terrible and was dealing with awful emotions. I wanted to change my thoughts to a more positive side so I decided to really learn about the law of attraction. I was introduced to law of attraction by the movie called “The Secret”. “The Secret” is a must watch movie created by Rhonda Byrne. This movie will change your life. It will open your eyes to new knowledge but you will then realize that it is really old knowledge that has been with you the whole time. It teaches you how to have the life that you truly desire. You can have the life that you want if you believe that you deserve it. I am already a self motivated individual but this movie added to my motivation. I felt empowered after watching it. My life has really changed and it continues to change for the better as I keep using the tools that I’ve learned from this movie. This movie never gets old to me I can watch it 100 times and learn something new each time.

Every time I meet someone I spread the knowledge of the Secret with them. Please watch the movie and express your thoughts. Below is the first 20 minutes of the secret. Spread the positive knowledge with everyone that you come across. Remember, the more love you give out the more you will receive.  For more information about the Secret movie, check out the official website of the Secret at http://thesecret.tv/index.html.

 This is very Juicy to me 🙂 What do you think Juicy or Dry?

-Juicy Peach

Lonely Vs. Alone

Some people are too needy for love. It seems as if some can’t live without a mate. They will go from relationship to relationship not healing their wounds from their previous relationships. This is not healthy. When you continue with this pattern you will eventually lose yourself if you haven’t already. Being alone and being lonely has two different meanings. If you feel like you need someone at all times then you are feeling lonely. The state of being alone is being able to kick it by yourself. Sometimes you need to be alone so that you can build yourself. If you are not at peace with yourself, then how can you be at peace with others? I like to be alone sometimes. After me and my boyfriend split I took that time to have fun learning additional aspects about myself. I had time to think profound and in depth. When I’m alone I think about my future. I think about the things that I can do to better myself. I love being alone. I feel as if I’m my own best friend. My x-boyfriend however took a different route. After I told him that I needed space and didn’t want to talk to him anymore he immediately went to the next girl he could. Instead of dealing with the emotions from our relationship he tried to burry them, which didn’t work exactly because old feelings keep arising. I don’t know all the thoughts that he was thinking exactly but I do know that he thought that maybe it would be easier to move on to the next girl rather than dealing with the pain alone. I don’t understand why he couldn’t deal with the emotions alone instead of feeling lonely and always having someone there. When people don’t deal with their real emotions it comes back to haunt them. It could be ten years later and they still haven’t dealt with the emotions from their earliest relationships. But people cope with things in different ways.

Know that you don’t always need someone else to hold you down. Hold yourself down. Be there for yourself and love on yourself. The more you love yourself the more others will love you.

Are you a person who always feel lonely? What do you think is the best method to cope with a break up? Express it!

-Juicy Peach

Blacks & Marriage

The marriage rate amongst African Americans is the lowest out of every other race in the United States. According to Joy Jones in her article, “Marriage is for white people” Joy states that,  “In 2001, according to the U.S. Census, 43.3 percent of black men and 41.9 percent of black women in America had never been married, in contrast to 27.4 percent and 20.7 percent respectively for whites. With these statistics at such an alarming rate the question now is….What do a sistah have to do, or needs to STOP doing in order to be considered marriage material? Perhaps one solution to the problem would be for black women to start exercising some self-control when it comes to having children and living with a man. I think we as black women often make the mistake of giving too much to a man before it’s time. For example, if you live with a man, have all his babies, wash his clothes, pack his lunch, and cook his dinner EVERY NIGHT before he even considers proposing to you…what is there for the man to look forward to when he actually does marry you?  Why would a man want to go to the next level with you, when he has already unofficially experienced that sector of life with you? What’s your opinion? Express it!!


Play Your Role

This is important advice I can give to people. Playing your role is key because as soon as you get out of character things will start to mess up. For example If you start a relationship with a married man meaning you’re the alleged mistress, that is what you’re supposed to be. So asking questions like when are you going to leave her for me is out of order. Why would he leave his wife for you, when he knows that you don’t require much but sex on the down low? If you want to be someones one and only then you should engage in an honest relationship. Most women on the side think that the man is cheating because there is a lack in his main woman. Although that may be the case in certain situations but mostly a man cheat because he is a cheater. Sometimes it has nothing to do with his wife/girlfriend. Just because he cheats with you doesn’t mean that you’re better than her. So if you’re going to be to be a side chick, mistress, or jump-off do it knowing the truth. You will get out of life what you put in. If you want to be his only woman, you will have a better chance of having just that by entering an honest relationship. You can’t expect to get something you want by doing what you don’t want. I am not judging anyone. Everyone has their own choice in this universe but If you’re going to engage in sneaky activities play your role. Things will go well until you jump out of character doing things like calling his house when you know the wife is there. Don’t feel better than the wife because in all actuality you’re still not the wife.  You’re really a non motherf***** factor lol There is a 90% chance that he may never leave his wife for you. The best thing you can do is have your own man. Regina king played Margie Hendricks on the movie Ray starring Jamie Foxx. She was Ray’s jump-off on the road and his wife at home was Della Bee. Things were balanced for Ray at first, he had a wife at home and a woman on the road it wasn’t until Margie jumped out of her role calling his crib and acting out.  Okay readers don’t think I’m encouraging cheating because I’m not again im just saying don’t be naïve. Margie wanted to be Mrs. Ray Charles but she should of known that he would never drop his wife. If she wanted to be with Ray then she should of just made him her side man like he made her the side woman or she could of told him her demands and if he did not abide then she could of moved on but instead she settled for being the jumpoff.

“Come on ma, you know I got a wife
and even though that pussy tight I’m not gon’ jeapordize my life (aight?)
So what is it you want from a n****?” (WHAT?)-DMX/What these b****es Want

(Those lyrics just prove no matter how much you “putting it down” on the man he still won’t leave his main.)

” I aint gotta put a band on your finger
Or worry about you tellin’ the whole world I’m your man while on Springer.
At first you were somethin i denied
Something I would slide
Just do somethin in the ride
But shorty
Theres something that you provide
Cause the entre ain’t as good without something on the side ya’ know.”- Fabolous/Cant let you go

(Those lyrics are speaking of a girl who played her role. Playing her role didn’t cause much drama but he still never left his wife and never thought about giving her a wedding band because she didn’t require it.)

So tell me your thoughts do you agree with me or disagree? What is your choice do you choose to settle or are you going to require what you think you deserve. Express it!

-Juicy Peach