Commit To Release All Fear From Your Life

When you’re afraid of something, do you run away from it or do you run towards it?
That is one of the many questions I asked my best friend Shirleyas on the phone the other night and right now I am asking you.

On September 9, 2017, at 10:15 pm (California time) I decided to release ALL fear from my life. This commitment meant that I could no longer delay from doing things that I really wanted to do. There are a lot of things that I desired to do but I felt that I had to wait for the perfect moment or have all of the right tools to do it. Now I know that you must use what you got to get where you’re going. Things don’t have to be perfect because in reality they never will be.

I don’t fear a lot of things but when I dug deeper within, small things arose to my attention that I am very apprehensive about.  Watch the video below to find out what those things are and to find out why you should release all fear from your life as well!!!!!!


What are some things that you fear? What are your reasons for still holding on to those fears? Comment below!

Negativity Withdrawals: Refuse to Allow Pessimism into Your Consciousness

Late 2016 I came across Wayne Dyer’s Audio Book 10 Secrets for Success and Inner Peace. I have been studying this book heavily ever since and it has helped me attain new heights of blissful peace. Some of the ideas from this masterpiece has inspired many of my newly written blog posts. Today’s post was inspired from the first secret of the book, “Have a mind that’s open to everything and attached to nothing”. During this first secret, Wayne suggested that everyone should “Refuse to Allow Pessimism into Your Consciousness”.

We have made it to the fourth month in the calendar year and it’s time to assess where you are on your positive journey. There is a high percentage of people who decide to abruptly commence a positive lifestyle near the end or beginning of the year. Although there is absolutely nothing wrong with that, a high percentage of those people default their way back into their previous negative lifestyle shortly after beginning their positive journey.

For many, living a negative lifestyle (life of judgment, hateful thoughts, doubt etc)  feels absolutely normal similar to how a high feels normal to an addictive drug user. Just like there are preferred ways to wean from obsessive drug use, there are also productive ways to keep you consistent on a positive path. I am aware that different methods may work for various people but I am certain that after trying the ones that I have provided and those that you have researched, you will attract techniques that are ideal for you.

Acknowledgment & Appreciation

Acknowledge that your path to enlightenment is a process. It will be a journey from having the attitude that life is completely terrible to having the belief that “Life is Lit AF”. (my personal belief and favorite saying :)) Know that it is okay if you notice yourself thinking negative thoughts. (again it is highly unlikely you will be able to fully change overnight) Your acknowledgment of those thoughts is actually a great sign because it reveals your awareness of where you desire to go on your path.

Most importantly, congratulate yourself for trying something new. While it is easy to keep doing the same things that you have been doing, know that life begins outside of your comfort zone. Establish a daily habit of telling yourself that you are doing a good job. This is something that your subconscious will begin to internalize and it will help you feel better about life. Remember that in order to grow you must have self-approval because self-criticism will keep you dormant which is the opposite of what you desire.

Focus & Detox

There are a million & one things to do throughout a particular day so it is easy to dismiss a positive mindset if there aren’t strategic daily reminders set. Daily reminders of positivity will keep you focused on the things that you truly desire to accomplish. Some daily activities that you can engage in include:

Meditation/Positive prayer– There are many ways to meditate but it is best to explore many options until you find what’s appropriate for you. I’ve personally found it helpful to sit quietly in a comfortable setting for a time period of 20 minutes completely staying in the now and releasing all thought. My favorite guided meditations are  Well Being Meditation by Esther Hicks and the Ah Meditation by Wayne Dyer. I’m also a big prayer, however, when praying please remember to pray in a state of positivity, gratitude, and expectation, as opposed to negativity, lack, and doubt.

Reading Inspirational Text-  Reading positive passages daily absolutely keeps me grounded. Some quick and easy things that I read are my daily affirmations. After reading my affirmation of the day I view myself as if I’ve already manifested whatever it is. If you haven’t yet written your own affirmations you can begin by reading some general affirmations or even some inspirational quotes.

I also love to read self-actualization books.  Some of my favorites are The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle, The Vortex by Esther & Jerry Hicks, The Power of Intention by Wayne Dyer, Conversations With God by Neale Donald Walsch etc. Most books have an audio version so being too busy isn’t an excuse. You can listen to the audio version in your car or even while you’re going to sleep because your subconscious will still internalize those ideas.

Get An Accountability Partner 

This process should be a natural one meaning your choice should be someone out of ease. This should be a person who is already where you’d like to be spiritually or someone who individually decides that they too want to begin a positive lifestyle. Just like gossiping is a popular thing to do for some while on the phone, make discussing positive aspects of life a popular discussion. You can encourage someone to take this journey with you but know that you can’t do the work for them. That is why it is best for them to naturally decide a positive lifestyle.

With your accountability partner, you should be able to discuss all of your passions and inspirational goals because there should be an encouraging and accepting vibe between you two. You should be able to challenge each other to focus only on what is desired when one or both is focused on shortage. I have found that having an accountability partner is very helpful and very fun!

Stay Encouraged & Feel Good

Life is not a sprint but more like a marathon. Encourage yourself daily to have a deep appreciation for life. If at first, your gratitude is not natural it will eventually become effortless after making lists of things to be grateful for. Right now you may not be living your ideal life but I guarantee that you can do or have anything that you desire if you believe that you can.

Care about how you feel choose to be optimistic rather than being pessimistic. Ask yourself “Has negativity been working out well for me thus far”? If the answer to that question is no, it is time to try something new and that’s the willingness to live a positive lifestyle.


To feel good is to feel God– Wayne Dyer



A Lack of Money or Lack of a Mate: 3 Wonderful Ways to Celebrate Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day is exactly ONE day away. Many have already celebrated but there are some who haven’t. Those SOME are probably the ones who are procrastinating making any and every excuse there is in the book. This post is for the excuse makers, those who choose not to celebrate Valentine’s Day because of a lack of money and those who choose to be bitter and not to celebrate because of lack of a mate.

Not Celebrating Because of a Lack of Money

One of my biggest pet peeves is when your man (significant other) forgets a special occasion that only happens once a year. For example, your birthday, Valentine’s Day, anniversaries etc. You literally have a complete 365 days to prepare for the special occasion so there’s simply NO EXCUSE. One of the most popular excuses that people use for not celebrating a special moment is having a lack of money.

Again, unless there was a recent tragedy that occurred that cost you all of your money, and YOUR MIND, THERE STILL IS NO EXCUSE. Not doing anything with or for your significant other shows a lack of thoughtfulness. Whether you are currently financially abundant or not, you can still show your loved one that you care. Below is my list of Top 3 wonderful things that you can do for your mate that costs little to no funds at all.

  1. Write a Love Letter

Whether you’ve been with your lover for 3 years or just approaching 5 months, a letter revealing how much you appreciate them is always a winner! Some things you can include are your goals for the relationship, something positive you’ve always wanted to tell them but haven’t yet, your admiration and support you have for them etc.

2.  Connect around Beautiful Nature

If you live in a beautiful state filled with gorgeous scenery such as the beach, lake front, mountains, etc set a nature date with your mate enjoying each other’s company while watching the sun set. While you’re there you can also take some cute memorable photos, have a feast, and even make some relationship affirmations and/or vision board. The possibilities are endless. And if you think you live in a state where there is absolutely no beautiful scenery, I’m almost positive that you’re wrong! Ask around or Google beautiful scenery near you!

3.  Cook Their Favorite Meal

Find a free venue such as your home or their home and before they arrive prepare their favorite meal. Set the mood with a candle lit table, wine, rose pedals, or other creative decorations. (A more dope suggestion is to decorate the house into a special destination where your mate have always wanted to go or where you guys first met and/or fell in love.) When they arrive escort them to the table and serve them. After they’re nice and full, you can further show your appreciation by providing them with a private dance/performance. (This is totally up to you depending on your comfort level with your loved one.)

An alternative thing that you can do, is gift them with hand made or printable love coupons that they can start utilizing immediately. You can also play stimulating couple games that will assist in connecting deeper with one another. Remember, the most valuable part of being in a relationship is connecting, so get creative!

Choosing to be Bitter and Not Celebrating Because of Lack of a Mate

I believe that everyone is aware that Valentine’s Day is a made up holiday like many others and can be celebrated any and everyday. The point is that some people choose to celebrate this holiday, while others choose not to. If you choose the latter that is perfectly fine but if you choose to be bitter, feeling that you don’t have an option to celebrate because of lack of a mate, you are displacing your energy. To be bitter or to feel lack is a choice alternative to choosing to be happy and fulfilled. That choice is a complete contradiction to what you really want. Below is my list of the top 3 wonderful ways you can celebrate Valentine’s Day solo.

  1. Write a Letter Specifying the Qualities You Desire in a Mate

So often, many express that they want a companion but when asked what characteristics they want their companion to possess, they are generally unsure. Take the time to write out all the specifics you want your mate to have. How do you want them to look, treat you, connect with you etc? How do you want their mind set to be? The only way to attract what you really want is to know what you really want. This is a great exercise that will take you one step closer to attracting the mate you desire.

2.  Take Your Self on an Amazing Date

Stop contemplating/making excuses and get up, get dressed, and take your self out on an amazing date. What’s something that you’ve always wanted to do or somewhere you’ve always wanted to go? The time to do it is now! Trust me, it is perfectly fine to date yourself once and a while. If you don’t enjoy spending time with yourself how can you expect someone else to?  (If you are not yet comfortable going out solo, invite your friends out or even take your kids out. As long as you’re celebrating love you’re on the right track.)

3.  Stay In and Cook Your Favorite Meal 

You can use this day to cook your favorite meal; cook something that makes your insides internally grateful. After completion, you should break out your wine & favorite snacks to begin watching your favorite love movies. My favorites include Love Jones, Love & Basketball, Titanic, Brown Sugar, The Notebook, The Best Man, The Brothers…. the list goes on and on.

Whatever you decide to do on this day choose thoughts that serve you in a positive way. Know that it is okay if you don’t have a mate to celebrate with. If having a mate is something that you truly desire know that you can attract one into your life using similar exercises that I revealed above. However, being bitter is not the way! Enjoy your Valentine’s Day!







Juicy Leaks [TJE’s Never Before Seen Footage]

January 29, 2017, The Juicy Expressions turned 3 years old. To all of my Juicy Supporters, I thank you for all of your love and support. The Juicy Expressions will continue to strive!

Of course I was out celebrating life with some of my good friends, (click the link to see how we celebrated 🙂 )  so I didn’t have time to post anything about it besides an instagram bday video I created. I knew that when I started the blog back up after recently giving birth to a new born and getting accepted into law school, that things would be difficult at times to manage. However, I am thankful that I continued to rise and soar to new heights.

TJE has accomplished a lot of things last year. Some of those things were posted on the blog, while others were not. With that being said, I want to share some of TJE’s Never Before Seen Footage with you!

My Radio Interview with 97.7 WRBJ|The Beat of The Capital Jackson, MS

The Radio Interview that I did with the Number 1 night show at The Beat of The Capital was one of the dopest experiences I’ve ever been apart of. I was super duper nervous because I’m so used to being on the other side of the interview table. Here, I was being asked questions on the spot so I had to rise to the occasion. Also, speaking live to a whole city is on a whole new playing field. Like what if I completely froze up? That didn’t happen so I guess I’m a natural 🙂

My Blog Interview with








The is a fascinating hiphop blog site covering the latest releases, with a particular focal point on Jackson, MS. Malcolm Morrow , one of the writers for this site, reached out to me with interest of getting my story told on how I became a successful blogger. This interview came at a perfect time because it was a great way to promote The Juicy Expressions’ Second Anniversary Event. I wasn’t nervous doing this interview because it wasn’t live unlike the radio one, however I was just as excited. Go check out the interview at now and while you’re there make sure you subscribe. I guarantee that you won’t be disappointed.

The Juicy Expressions’ Tailgate Party

Almost everyone knows that I graduated from the Best HBCU there is, Thee Jackson State University  Everyone also knows that JSU’s Homecoming is super lit because it’s comparable to a family reunion that you are anticipating, crossing of the days until the big event. With the football game/tailgate being the biggest event during homecoming weekend, last year I decided to throw my own.








This was my very first time throwing my own tailgate, so I really didn’t know what to expect. However, I learned a lot of things that will make it easier for me to throw more in the future.  The support at the tailgate was amazing, I had so much fun, and there was a super DOPE performance from the skillful artist Clew.

Last but definitely not least Wine and Onesies The Virtual Affirmation Event

One of my affirmations from my affirmation jar made at the Wine and Onesies party!

The Wine and Onesies Virtual Affirmation Event  was literally the most powerful party that I’ve ever thrown or ever been apart of. Earlier in 2016, before the beginning of each month, I began writing 30 affirmations to prepare for my month in a positive manner. I started seeing my affirmations come to past and I noticed that I was vibrating much higher. The affirmations that I wrote were a daily reminder to focus on ONLY WHAT I WANTED.

Because the 30 affirmations for 30 days were so successful I was inspired to design an event where me and my friends would create an affirmation jar to construct 365 affirmations for 365 days. What better way than to do this as an end of the year celebration?

My friends and I with our wine and affirmation jars!

Well that’s exactly what we did! Although I only invited my personal friends to the actual event at my house, everyone else was invited to join the party virtual via Facebook and twitter.

Thanks again for keeping up with TJE and I hope you enjoyed the Never Before Seen Footage!

TJE Presents: Wine and Onesies The Virtual Affirmation Event

Tonight at 9:00pm tune in on TJE’s Facebook and Twitter to join us in The Virtual Affirmation Event. Once the affirmations are created we will put them in a decorative mason jar for preparation of a daily read beginning January 1, 2017.

Some of you are probably thinking to yourself, “What are affirmations”? An affirmation is simply a statement affirming something. The obvious goal is to create positive affirmations, however, if you are not deliberate with your vocabulary you may end up creating negative affirmations.

For example, someone who wants to have more money may create an affirmation stating “I want to get out of debt”. That may seem like a positive affirmation but it actually works against you because the focus of the affirmation is on debt. A positive way to affirm this desire is to say “I am so happy and grateful now that I am financially abundant”. That statement affirms your real desire in the present tense so that you will begin living your desire in the now. If you attempt to affirm something in a future manner, it is likely that you will never reach that desire because you never experience the future. Your experiences only occur in the now.

If you are not grasping this concept or if you are eager for more information about this subject PLEASE TUNE IN TONIGHT! During the live feed I will be discussing how to create positive affirmations more in depth and I invite your comments and/or questions.

Many of you may feel that writing 365 affirmations is a lot of work. Be that as it may, I am a firm believer that you get back what you put out. However, since I really love you guys, I have provided 100 downloadable D.O.P.E. general affirmations that will assist you during your take off! See ya at the event tonight 🙂

365 Affirmations for 365 Days_