Matt Theron Interview

Juicy Peach: When did you fall in love with music?

Matt: As a child.. My mom listened to a lot of music going to sleep so I’ve been having love for music since I was very very little.

Juicy Peach: At what point did you decide to become an artist?

Matt: My senior year of high school. It was more of like a joke cause when I started we were doing a video in my media class and we were like we should do music for it. And I had a friend who did music so I was like cool I’ll hop on it and do music. So I was like I minus well try it!

Juicy Peach: What level of support do you receive from your fans, friends, and family?

Matt: Yeah the support I have is crazy..especially after this last mixtape and seeing the support and love behind it is amazing. I have more than the average rapper would have cause to most people “No Angel” is my first mixtape and I’ve gotten over 100 likes almost 200 likes on facebook through  and over 1,000 views on and a bunch of mixtapes on a bunch of different websites I have it placed on. So the support is amazing.

Juicy Peach: I heard a clip of the breakup song on your mix-tape, are you a Wale fan?

Matt: Yeah! When I heard that Wale track I was like this is dope then I found the instrumental and was like I have to do something to this. That More About Nothing is probably on my  top 5 mixtapes.

Juicy Peach: What artist do you relate to the most?

Matt: It used to be Kanye West back in the college dropout days but now he’s rich now so I really can’t relate to that so now it will be people like Lupe, he’s still rapping about more general stuff for as realistic stuff I can relate to. Also I could relate to Wale before the MMG signing so yeah people like that. Nobody who is too major right now.

Juicy Peach: Who was your inspiration for track number 12 “When It All Comes Down”?

Matt: That seems to be everyone’s favorite track because I think that was one of my first tracks that I actually pulled emotions into it and it was an ex because she actually asked me to write her a song and I kinda like blew her off like ha ha you think im gone write you a song. But then I was like ok I’ll write you a song. I wrote the first verse then I stopped and she was like are you going to finish it and I was like maybe. Then I heard my friends mixtape and he wrote a song about an ex , he wrote a full song and he was like I wrote this song in tears and I was like if he can sit here and write a song going in tears and finish it then shouldn’t nothing stop me from finishing this song so I sat down to finish the song. I actually sent it to her and she heard it on her facebook and called me in tears talking bout how she enjoyed it and everything. Yeah so the relationship with her was crazy so that was a lot of inspiration.

Juicy Peach: What advice would you give to men who have a good woman by their side but continue to take her for granted?

Matt:  I say if you take it for granted you deserve to lose it. Because I’ve done that before and I’ve taken it for granted. No person who’s not treasuring what they have don’t need it. Everything I’m bless with I treasure cause at any time I can loose it. I could step in the studio one day and couldn’t rhyme then im done rapping. I could step behind photoshop and couldn’t make a picture then I’m done with graphics. I’m blessed everyday to be able to do what I’m doing. If you don’t treasure it you don’t deserve it.

Juicy Peach: What do you want your fans to know about you?

Matt: This is my fourth mixtape a lot of people don’t know but on my second one I said I was gone stop rapping because I’m going to college and the only reason while I’m still rapping now is because I want to show people better. I’m tired of listening to music on the radio and hearing the trash that’s getting played so I’m like I have to show people that there’s more to the rap game than what the radio, MTV, and BET offers. There’s a lot more to what’s perceived as rap. I’m not doing it to become famous I’m just doing it to speak my views of how it could be done from a different stand point.

 Juicy Peach: Tell me about your graphic designer work?

Matt: I started my graphics company Team Incredible a year ago July 10.  It started off real low key but by August or September of last year I starting doing stuff for a lot of bigger people. I’ve done stuff for Louis Reed, Young Dro, Nelly, TI, and Down Low for Travis Porter. I’m also doing work for artists who’ve done stuff for Tapemasters Inc. and some more people. I’m blessed I thank god everyday that I can get behind photoshop  and come up with fresh ideas cause the graphic game is always changing.

Juicy Peach: What are your future music goals?

Matt:Right now my dj has me working relenctless and after “No Angel” people are asking when’s the next one coming so my future goals is to drop more mixtapes and maybe get a little more recognition but maybe not. If I blow up then yayyy but if I don’t its nothing major. I’m after my degree right now. But my major goal right now is to step my lyrics up right now cause that was the one thing that people said they didn’t like about “No Angel” they told me I was good but there’s a lot of potential there so I’m gone step up my lyrics and try more things with the music. After doing the club tracks I did on “No Angel” I can see that I can do a little more so I want to test the things I can do.

Juicy Peach: Explain your entire affiliate group.

Matt: Music-Ems-group my friend started Engineer Money Sqad then I started No Sirens because people were asking are ya’ll EMS like the medical transport center. It means our music kills and you hear no sirens. Team Inc, graphics company and I just recently started  entertainment company called Limitless Entertainment to bring parties to Rolla, Missiouri.

















Follow Matt on Twitter 🙂

-Juicy Peach

Matt Theron

One day in the summer I was searching this site called STLMIXTAPES.COM and I came across this talented guy. I listened to his mixtape “No Angel” and a couple of songs stood out to me. Especially his song called “When It All Comes Down”. Matt Theron was born in Chicago but raised in St.Louis. (My hometown :])  Ladies I really think that you would like this song. Guys wilI be feeling this song too. I like this song because it shows that its okay to be a man and have real feelings. I also like it because he is apologizing for all the mistakes in the relationship that he made. Most men wont allow themselves to be honest about their feelings let alone be honest towards a female. I vote JUICY for this song!! What do y’all think Juicy or Dry?

 Link————>>>>>   01 When It All Comes Down[1]

-Juicy Peach

The Four Letter Word

There are only two emotions that we experience in this world as human beings. It’s called the four letter word. L.O.V.E. or F.E.A.R.  These two are the main titled emotions. Underneath each of them there are subtitles such as happiness, peace, joy, jealousy, hate, and envy. Everything that is positive usually falls under the love category. Every negative emotion comes from fear. Fear keeps us from having the things that we really want. It is the number 1 attracter towards the things that we don’t want. Many use fear as an excuse. Most people desire to be loved. Whether they admit it or not, this is true. We all want someone to love us and to be there for us. But on the surface we stunt like we don’t need anyone. We say things like, “Well I don’t need a relationship because it always ends with scars and heartbreaks”. That statement is untrue and said strictly out of fear. The real statement is that you desire a relationship but you’re afraid to be a cooperative component because of fear. Love is the strongest emotion one can experience. Love is a high that when felt makes you feel as if you are in a fantasy. Fear is also a strong emotion but it takes more energy to be negative than it does to be positive. We were born into this world through love and as we grow up we learn about fear and start to stray away from love.


Love is a healing factor. It is known that love can heal each and every situation. God is love. What is love can’t be fear. Therefore you are loved because you came from source. Love is a natural emotion that you were already born with. Observe the next baby you come across, you will see that they are filled with love. They have no worries or fear. They are not criticizing themselves saying that they’re not pretty or their nose is too big. They simply love themselves and others. They become fearful when they watch others around them react with fear. We need to get back to the days when we didn’t worry and we trusted that things will work out for us.


Fear is what causes the things that you don’t want. Fear causes unwanted sickness and pains. Fear keeps us from going to pursue the career, relationship, home, or better life for ourselves. Fear causes us to choose what the world wants us to do over what we feel inside for ourselves. Have you ever been surrounded around so much negativity that you became drained? We think that we are protecting our selves when we react with fear in our life.  The true reality is we are only making maters worst. We are perfect the way we are because we chose who we are. I’m sure every human has fears. My goal is to release all my fears that I hold because I now realize that it is only delaying me from my prosperity.

I understand that it may be hard to stay positive all the time. The more we try the easier it will be. Imagine your universe exactly how you want it to be. Don’t base it off fear. Release the need to say that you don’t want something that you really want because you’re afraid of the ending results. I choose L.O.V.E.  Which one will you decide to live for? L.O.V.E. or F.E.A.R.?  Express it!

-Juicy Peach

Lil Wayne How To Love

I’ve been a Wayne fan for a long time and I must say that I enjoy his  real/sensitive side. Usually he’s saying things like “I might go crazy on these n****’s I dont give a motherf*** Run up in a n**** house and shoot his grandmother up, what” lol. But on how to love he’s speaking about compassionate things that make you think about how to really love. This video is juicy to me, but what do ya’ll think Juicy or Dry? {Carter 4 coming soon!}


-Juicy Peach

Food Stamp Nation

I was browsing the web when I fell across an article on yahoo via Reuters by Kristina Cooke entitled, “USA becomes Food Stamp Nation but is it sustainable?” While her focus was on the growing concern of how in the world can the gov’t afford to fund this program with the current state of the economy, I was stuck on the fact we’re becoming a food stamp nation. Many of us know someone on food stamps or use to be. Just as many aspects of life society has this distorted image of the people reaping the benefits of the program. One being the young single black mother of 5 in flower flip flops, old dry weave, and tats all over. Sadly, this is true for some but if you’re like me you’re more likely to know the crowd of hungry college students in Wal-Mart swiping that good ol card. Maybe the gov’t doesn’t do a good job at screening its applicants or the unemployment rates are taking their tolls but for whatever reason behind this new “food stamp nation” the article had some shocking facts that can’t be overlooked ….

  1. 46 MILLION PEOPLE (15%) are currently on food stamps in the USA
  2. 74% increase of people on food stamps since 2007

How much is this costing the USA? 68 BILLION In 2010 to be exact! We have to do something! Yes there are those people who are abusing the program and “milking” us for what it’s worth but what about those individuals really trying to do better and are just stuck? What can people as an individual and we as a nation do to climb the social ladder and minimize the use of this program?

-Sunny D