Bank Of America New $5 Debit Card Fee

I love my bank, and with the exception of being in New Orleans, I always know I’ll be near one. But that happy mood come 2012 will be changing! Starting next year Bank Of America will begin a MONTHLY $5 fee for all debit card users.  Doesn’t matter if you swipe your card for a $1.00 candy bar or a new $500 couch,debit or credit, you’re being charged $5 (a month)!Now there are a few exceptions, people who don’t use their debit card at all, usage of ATM’s, and certain premium customers don’t have to worry.  BOA isn’t alone either; Wells Fargo will be testing a $3 debit card fee in Nevada, Georgia, New Mexico, Oregon and Washington beginning Oct. 14th and JP-Morgan Chase announced they too have a $3 charge test underway in Wisconsin. I don’t know about you all but I don’t like the idea of paying to spend my own money there are enough bank fees as is! If Bank Of America was in my college town I’d just go to the ATM and stop this rant. Now I know some of you may be thinking ohhhh Sunny D it’s just $5. Well as a broke college student, I speak for us all when I say that $60 a year fee can “kick rocks”! Oh yeah I’m going ol school and ordering a book of checks!

Sunny D

Efficient Way To Get Money

About a year ago I came across this book called “Secrets of a Millionaire Mind” At this time my mind was on so many other things that I really didn’t pursue this knowledge right away.  I had steady income because I worked at the airport full time. I felt good cause I didn’t really need to ask anybody for anything I was carrying my own as well as pursuing my Business Administration Degree. I moved on from that job as spring semester ended because I wanted to be free and enjoy my family for a change. Working at the airport prevented me from going home for summer break and holidays. I was ecstatic to go home but then I realized that my steady income was going to stop. I then began thinking of ways that I could attract money to myself. I started listening to the audio of “Secrets of a Millionaire Mind” and it taught me alot. It taught me that I can still be free doing what I love and still get money. It also talks about expecting money on a frequently basis, and if you do this money will come to you out of no where. For those who are not big on faith this might sound silly to you but its true. The things that he talks about in this book will change your life for the better. I have not mastered everything yet but I will soon and I will begin on my journey to becoming a millionaire. Below is one of the clips of his seminars. Watch it with an open mind and tell me your thoughts. REMEMBER ITS JUST POSITIVE KNOWLEDGE SO IT CANT HURT YOU IT CAN ONLY HELP.



-Juicy Peach


Cole World: Side Line Story

Yesterday was the release of J.Cole’s first album. I would like to know all of ya’ll thoughts about it. Did ya’ll think it was worth the wait? Should he have came harder? What do ya’ll think about him as an artist in general? I love this album and I’m not going to be biased just because I’m feeling him as a person. I generally do think that this is a great first album. Many are complaining that they heard most of the songs already because of the leak that happened last week and because 4 of the songs were already released previously on the mix-tape or as singles.( Can’t Get Enough, Lights Please, In the Morning, and Workout) But I think that it was a good idea to add “Lights Please” because its one of his  hardest songs and some people weren’t  Cole fans already so they haven’t listen to his mix-tapes, but by hearing the songs on the album they will go check out his other projects. This is just the beginning for Jermaine. He has my full support. Cole World!!!


-Juicy Peach

Death Row Last Meal for Texas Inmates NO MORE

This past Thursday many Americans were in an uproar about Troy Davis but he wasn’t the only man executed last week. On Wednesday 9/21/11 Lawrence Russell Brewer was executed for the 1998 dragging death of James Byrd Jr. To quickly fill you in Brewer, a white supremacists chained the black James Byrd to his pick-up truck and drug him to his death (A modern day Emmit Till case). We all know of the infamous “last meal” inmates are granted prior to their punishment. Well Brewer did not eat his order which led a state senator to file a complaint this past Thursday to end this meal practice. What exactly prompted this complaint? How about Davis’s order: two chicken fried steaks smothered in gravy with sliced onions, a triple-meat bacon cheeseburger, a cheese omelet, a large bowl of fried okra can’t forget the ketchup, three fajitas, a pint of Blue Bell ice cream, a pound of bbq with a half-loaf of white bread (guess wheat was too brown), a slab of peanut butter fudge with crushed peanuts, a pizza and three root beers. Despite his dreadful crime and my stance against capital punishment I couldn’t help but giggle and say HELL NAW! But officials did’nt find his stunt so funny, keep in mind he did’nt eat any of it! Sen. John Whitmire wrote, “It is extremely inappropriate to give a person sentenced to death such a privilege. One which the perpetrator did not provide to their victim.” I disagree with his reasoning for doing away with the meal privilege in Texas. The prison industry is a business, a wealthy one at that generating billions of dollars so they do have the money. Looks to me a case of humiliation and one last F! YOU from Brewer. The result….”Effective immediately, no such accommodations will be made. They will receive the same meal served to other offenders on the unit.”-Whitmire






 -Sunny D