Is Dancing in the Club With Another While in a Relationship Acceptable?

Personally I think that people make too much of a deal about this issue. I wouldn’t care if my man was dancing with another girl in the club unless he took things WAY TOO FAR. I would be upset if he was groping the girl in a manner that he was about to have sex with her or if his tongue was down her throat! (in that case we would be discussing the terms of our relationship) If the girl was one of my haters or someone who he knew was trying to interfere with our relationship, then that would be a problem also. But getting twerked on by an innocent girl in the club wouldn’t phase me.

In high school, I dated this boy who absolutely hated the fact of me dancing with other boys at a party. He was never at those parties but would ask during our phone conversations afterwards did I dance with someone. Everyone who knows me can attest to the fact that I love to dance (particularly twerk) at parties. I have never been unfaithful in any relationship and I wasn’t exchanging numbers with the people I was dancing with. A dance normally occurs 60 seconds or less. Asking questions of that nature shows that he was insecure about himself; maybe he thought I would end up with them instead of him. When I asked him what the big deal about me dancing with others were, he mentioned the following:

  • Your butt is too close to another man’s penis
  • Dancing is a similar motion to sex
  • That man will know think that he can have you
  • It’s disrespectful when you are in a relationship

My response to him was:

  • Why are you breaking this subject down so deeply?
  • Dancing is not close to sex at all considering no one is being penetrated and all clothing items are intact.
  • it shouldn’t matter if another man want me or think he can have me because clearly I’m with you
  • It shouldn’t be looked at disrespect when I’m not flaunting in your face, I’m not leading him on, exchanging numbers, or putting myself in a situation to come off as a single girl.

This situation with my ex happened in high school and ironically we both still have the different views on this issue! (good thing we are not still together lol) Things have changed since high school and when I go out now it’s rare that I will twerk on another. However, if I happen to do so I think it will be silly for my man to take it to the heart. If my man went on a trip to Las Vegas I wouldn’t dare ask him if he have partaken in getting twerked on. If that is my biggest worry then clearly I have trust issues and shouldn’t be in a relationship anyways.

Now I am aware that there are levels to this! If your mate is portraying as a single individual in the club then that’s a problem. But if they were only partaking in an innocent dance why cry over it. Here are some ways that a dance wouldn’t be considered innocent:

  •  If they are prolonging the dance and transforming it into something deeper that you should only be doing with your mate.
  • If they are grabbing body parts and whispering sexual statements in the other’s ear.
  • If they are making plans to meet up with this individual after the club is over.
  • If when asked about being in a relationship they don’t answer truthfully.

Okay I have asked others their opinion on this subject and there were some who agreed with my stance and there were others who disagreed. Please comment your view on the acceptance of dancing in the club with another below. If you disagree, answer the following questions for me: Would you end the term of your relationship just on a single dance alone? Do you consider it cheating if your partner dances with another? If your partner was not at the same club as you would you dance with someone else? If you went on a  turn-up trip with your girls/boys and danced with another would you want your partner to take this subject so deeply?

What is Your Deal Breaker in a Relationship?

What is your deal breaker in a relationship? A deal breaker is the thing or things that you will not stand for in a relationship. If those certain things occurred you would end the relationship immediately. I have a couple of deal breakers including cheating and continuous lying. However, the number one deal breaker for me is when a man talks about what he is going to do instead of actually producing actions. That is something that would cause me to stop talking to someone immediately lol! I had the opportunity to ask some people in the community of Jackson, Mississippi  about their personal deal breakers. Watch the video below and comment and tell us your deal breaker in a relationship!!!




Right Wrong or Justified Who Are You to Judge?

mikeI’m sure that many of you are aware of the latest tragic event that occurred in St. Louis this past weekend. For those who aren’t aware here are the facts! On August 11, 2014 an unarmed African American teenager by the name of Michael Brown was shot and killed by a Ferguson County Police officer. Brown’s body was left to bleed out in the street for hours before the authorities relocated his body. The Ferguson authorities placed the body in an unrecognizable vehicle and Lesley Mc Spadden mother of Michael Brown was denied the option to identify her son’s body. The Ferguson Police Department refuses to reveal the name of the white police officer that shot and killed Michael Brown. They did state that this particular officer is on paid administrative leave until further notice.

There have been many different stories that led up to the killing of Michael Brown. Some include that he stole something from the Quick Trip gas station and that’s why he was running away from the police. A quick trip employee later stated that Brown did not steal anything. There have been multiple eye witnesses stating that Brown was minding his business and the unknown police officer initiated physical harm on the unarmed teenager. Regardless of what exactly occurred, this death doesn’t make sense at all. How does an unarmed teenager get shot multiple times? Can the officer state that he was threatened so much by an unarmed black teenager to shoot him at least 9 times?  The Ferguson police department has made some vague statements on what they want us to believe about the story but they are not really saying much at this time. It is apparent that the police is hiding information and buying time to get their story correct about what really happened.

The death of Michael Brown opened a lot of hurtful wounds for numerous people. Michael Brown is a reminder of all the people that have been mistreated by government officials. These situations are and have been happening for quite some time now across the globe and it is time for a change! A similar situation happened to me and my family so I can relate to the hurt that African Americans are feeling at this time.  We feel ignored and we are tired of certain people getting away with things and thinking they are above the law. 

There are a lot of issues that I could discuss about this matter. However, for this particular post my focus is on people, specifically African Americans who are judging others for their personal response to the intentional death of Michael Brown. There have been peaceful protesters and there are also those who are expressing themselves by rioting. I know there may be opportunist that are taking this time to use rioting and looting for thier own benefit. These are the people who’ve already initiated a plan to steal before Brown was executed but that is not the case for everyone. Violence and acting in an outraged manner is a natural reaction to a situation where someone close to you were taken away from you by force.  Many are asking well what about the black on black crimes. “Blacks kill and commit crimes against each other every day”. I will respond by saying this, black on black crime is an issue as well as many other things but clearly it is not an issue in this case. I feel that people who are mentioning black on black crimes are attempting to take the focus off the real issue at hand. We have a far way to go as a culture and we will keep building but the real issue at hand is racism against blacks. People are also saying “Looting and damaging property won’t bring Michael back”. It is clear that looting and damaging property won’t bring a person who was executed back to life. But sitting back and allowing history to repeat itself won’t do the trick either.

There have always been people who deal with situations in a different manner. For example Martin Luther King Jr. was one who represented peace and turning the other cheek. Whereas Malcolm X was one who believed in retaliation against whoever were attempting to continue the control against our people. There has always been different ways to handle things but either method isn’t necessary wrong or right. When the situation happened to me I did not take a violent route but that doesn’t mean that I did not want to or that I’m not capable of doing such. Before you guys judge the reactions of those in St. Louis put yourself in their shoes, pray for peace and guidance for everyone, and do your research on how many unarmed African Americans are being gunned downed by white police officers. This situation seems to be common but then research how many white police officers gun down and kill unarmed whites.

People are tired of being oppressed and tired of their voices being unheard. You never know what you are capable of until something happens that directly effects you. So whether you think their actions are right, wrong, or justified, who are you to judge?

When Is the Right Time to Introduce Your Lover To Your Child?

When is the proper time to expose your mate to your child or children? Is there a certain rule that you apply? As some of you guys know I have a child and have dated plenty. I never felt the need to introuduce any of those previous guys to my son. But what if I meet someone that I personally would like to grow with? How would I know for sure that it’s time to make that next step? Some may say, wait till you know that he/she is the one. However, how many times have we thought that a certain person was the one but ended up being “the wrong one”? Plenty of times if you were to ask me. We really don’t know how long someone will last unless we are able to forsee the future. So should we go off the longevity of our prediction?

I have been scarred from watching mothers bring almost anyone around their child, espically this younger generation. Some mothers are not taking inconsideration that you are really hurting the child during thier biggest part of development. I have witnessed some kids personalities being effected in a negative way, resulting from the multiple men that have been exposed to them. I didn’t know anyone that my mother was dating until I was a bit more older to catch on to things. However, she never brought multiple men around me.

When first evaulating the credentials of the person, ofcourse they will have to pass the normal checkpoints to be good enough for you. But here comes the question again! When are they good enough to meet your child? One day I asked my  friend who has two kids this same question and her response had me thinking for awhile. She stated that the way you will know that it’s time to introduce your lover to your children, is when you can answer these 3 questions truthfully. Do you trust that he will catch you blind folded on the edge of a building? Do you trust that he is strong enough to catch you? If not strong enough to catch you, do you trust that he will get up there on the edge of the building to be by your side? Those questions are super deep! Can you guys answer all those 3 questions with a yes?

What are the rules that you go by or the standards that have to be met before some is able to meet your child? Is there ever a correct time? Please comment your thoughts below!!!


Thank You for All the Love and Support!

I want to thank each and everyone of y’all that came out to The Juicy Expressions event that was held May 17, 2014 in St. Louis to celebrate the blogs success as well as Gorgeous Grape leaving for Africa. This event turned out greater than I imagined and the tears at the end came from knowing that all of you guys love and support my dream. For those who missed this event no worries we will be having the one year celebration soon! Check out the highlight video and the pictures from the event below! For those who would like their pictures sent to them directly please comment leaving your email address and I will send them asap!

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