Sorry for the wait but below is all the footage that I have from The Juicy Expressions’ event “The Element of Juice”. Again, I want to thank you all for celebrating the second anniversary with us! Check out the recap video and view the pictures below! Please feel free to comment any feedback or thoughts that you have regarding the event! Love you all 🙂
FIRST AND FOREMOST ALL “POPULAR” DJ’S ARE NOT GOOD DJ’S! I’ve always said that I am not a gossip blogger but since I have true FACTS this is still not considered true “gossip”. It really blows me how certain people think that they are “On” but they are the one that BEGGED for me to use them for my event. Now normally, I wouldn’t speak out on the negatives because I am so positive but he has me feeling like Drake on his Meek diss “Back to Back”!
“When I look back I might be mad that I gave this attention. Yeah, but it’s weighin’ heavy on my conscience Yeah, and f***, you left the boy no options”
This whack DJ reached out more than once making sure we were moving forward with him working my event. I thought that this was a great idea initially because he has SLIGHT air time on WBRJ 97.7. I moved forward and paid him a $100 deposit way in advance. The day of the Second Annual Peach Carpet event, at 4:00pm (ONLY 5 HOURS BEFORE THE EVENT STARTED) he called me to ASK me if I wanted to come back to the station one more time to promote more for the event. However, he also REVEALED that he would be late to my event and wouldn’t make it until 10:30!
Now of course I was like wtf! Why would you wait the day of my event to let me know that you would be an hour and a half late, especially when you are the source of the music for the party? I knew then that I would never work with him again but I still needed a DJ at this time and he ensured me that he would work things out. He told me that music would still be playing until he arrived. At this point all I could do was move forward and stay focused on having a successful event.
I ended up quickly going to the radio station for one more promotion round. While there, this DJ continued saying that he is very “professional” and he’s going to “turn up” my guests as soon as he arrived after his set. At this point my stress levels were back down and I was ready to go change and make my entrance at my event.
Around 10:50, when I arrived to my event, I saw a great crowd filled with my wonderful supporters, beautiful decorations, a dope back drop with TJE logos on it, a photo booth where pictures were coming out instantly after being taken, but NO JAMMIN MUSIC!!!! This DJ WAS PLAYING LINE DANCING MUSIC AS IF WE WERE AT A FAMILY REUNION! Most of my guests were saying “Wow we were turnt before he arrived.”
When I walked to the dj booth to correct the Disastrous sound, the DJ immediately began being rude towards me as if I’m not the one who is throwing the event or the one that has paid him a previous deposit! In a nice professional voice I requested that he played some more appropriate TURN UP music that I know my crowd would like to hear. Instead of being professional, he ignored my request and he to continued to play whack music. Various people attempted to talk reasonably to this DJ but he continued being rude and VERY DISRESPECTFUL! When it was time for my performers to perform he was rude to them as well! While one performer was using the microphone, this WHACK DJ began to rant attempting to gain more followers using 97.7’s name.
TO MAKE THIS LONG STORY SHORT! I was so fed up with this WHACK DJ that I told my people to get him out of my party! This DJ was asked to leave in the middle of my event but he was still GIVEN THE REST OF HIS MONEY! ALTHOUGH HE DID NOT DESERVE ANOTHER DIME FROM ME, I PAID HIM SO THAT I WOULD NOT HAVE ANY MORE TIES WITH THIS TERRIBLE UNPROFESSIONAL DJ!
After he left the party we put on music from someone’s phone and we TURNT THE F*** UP! Using this DJ, caused me such a terrible heartache because I INVESTED SO MUCH TIME, MONEY, AND ENERGY INTO MY EVENT. And although my loyal people stayed until the party ended, HE DROVE AWAY ANY NEW PEOPLE WHO WERE INTERESTED IN SEEING WHAT TJE WAS ALL ABOUT. On Sunday, (THE DAY AFTER MY EVENT) I saw where this DJ began throwing SHADE AT ME. He actually posted things the night of the event but I did not see it until Sunday!
FYI I am not from Jackson, MS and I am truly a queen 🙂
Since when is an educated black women with a degree in Business Administration, who is currently pursing a law degree to be an entertainment lawyer, and who paid your full fee broke?
Hmm Nobody knows me but all you’re worried about is being known! smh!
IS IT ONLY ME OR DO Y’ALL AGREE THAT IT IS VERY WOMEN LIKE TO THROW SHADE AT ANOTHER WOMAN THROUGH SOCIAL MEDIA?!?!?! I have experienced this with women but never with a SO CALLED PROFESSIONAL MAN! Like where do they do that at? THIS OLD MAN DJ WITH GREY HAIR MUST FEEL SO MUCH GUILT THAT HE HAS TO KEEP HARASSING ME EVEN AFTER I’VE NEVER RESPONDED TO HIS SOCIAL MEDIA SHADE! After he posted numerous posts on his instagram and snap about me over the weekend, Monday he decided to call me. BUT OF COURSE I DID NOT RETURN HIS CALL LIKE WHY WOULD I!!! So since I didn’t return his call he decided to text me!
It would take too long to address all this BS but YOUR HIGH RANKING SHOW??? And you are not my connection with 97.7 I clearly came on the show prior to promote my event and my blog sooooo you were saying?
How dare you disrespect these artists because they were Professional and you were not!
I hope that this post will help someone in the future if they ever thought about hiring this particular DJ. SHOOT I WISH SOMEONE WOULD HAVE WARNED ME! But although he promotes and tries to portray to be the “Number 1” DJ @97.7 he is in no way a reflection of those beautiful people who work there. I had to realize that when I was upset of what he did at my party. I realized that all my guest could see that my party was dope and that they could see that he was just a whack DJ! SMH
Well Lesson Learned I will be picking better people to work with in the future! But I probably will never throw another event in Jackson! I”m just not used to a high level of UNPROFESSIONALISM! And I hope he learned not to come for a blogger who has a voice especially when most of the people who listen to my voice was at my event and can verify your stupidity! AND PLEASE STOP CONTACTING ME LIKE OMG WHAT ELSE DO YOU NEED FROM ME? OH YEAH, LET ME NOT FORGET TO MENTION THAT THIS DJ HAS BEEN ON MY TIP TRYING TO HOLLER AT ME SINCE DAY ONE SMH
Comment your thoughts on this madness of a situation! Do you think its okay for a “professional” to behave in this manner? Do MEN go on social media rants like women? If you came to TJE Second Anniversary Peach Carpet event please share your thoughts on how you felt about his deejaying skills?
At 6:00pm today Lil’ Ron, a hip-hop artist from Jackson, MS released his new single “Menace” ft. Isiah Binladen & J.Skyy. My initial time hearing the song, I was distracted by everything that was going in the the video but when I listened again it all made sense. This song in my opinion is illustrating the rationale of a Menace. defines menace as a person whose action, attitudes, or ideas are considered dangerous or harmful.
In Lil’ Ron’s introductory verse he started with these lyrics “A f***ed up child hood is why the way I am, got me in the state where I don’t give a damn. Mama working two jobs daddy gone too far I’m looking for direction, I ain’t got nobody but Tupac. Praying for my trouble soul hustle I’m defining that, trying to beat statistics but I’m a product of my environment. Those lyrics paint a picture of what the world looks like through his eyes.
I think that someone’s upbringing has a lot to do with their perception in life. I truly believe that if everyone was born into a perfectly loving environment then some people wouldn’t choose the mistakes that they perform. (Of course that would only happen in a perfect world that doesn’t exist.) Some people are not able to bounce back from certain detrimental things that happened throughout their childhood or life while others can. Instead of judging someone on sight for the actions they choose or how they behave, take time to remember that you have no idea what it feels like to walk in their shoes; you don’t know what they’ve experienced through their walk of life. This doesn’t excuse any behavior but it gives insight on people’s mentality.
All in all,the song is great because it shows a diverse way of viewing people and/or situations. The beat is definitely jamming and J.Skyy’s hook flows very smoothly with the song. Watch the video below and tell us your thoughts on Lil’ Ron’s new single “Menace”. Do you feel that people are doing the best they can with the knowledge and understanding that they have? Express your thoughts below!!!
The Juicy Expressions “We Hustle” Cypher 2016 was recorded on October 25, 2015 at the famous recording studio, “Terminal Studios” in Jackson, MS. The initial idea to host this cypher evolved from one of the original reasons why I began my blog. I wanted to shed light on the people who possess raw talent, but are also very committed to their hustle. Everyone’s hustle is different, but it takes strength and resilience to keep it going throughout the different trials and tribulations one may face.
The TJE “We Hustle” Cypher 2016 is a celebration of the second anniversary of “”. For those who don’t know my full history with TJE, I originally started my blog in 2011 but fell off due to unexpected circumstances. I relaunched the blog on January 29, 2014. Not only am I the owner and blogger for TJE, I also have many other hustles including being a single mother and a law school student. I am a woman that understands the true definition of Hustlin.
Each of these individuals in this cypher brought many different elements of juice to the table. The full cypher will officially be released on New Years January 1, 2016, but watch the behind the scenes footage below. If you have any predications on who verse went the hardest comment them below!!!!
Is it ever too late for (an) absent parent(s) to return back into your life? We are in existence because of the direct actions of our parents. We are not able to choose our parents although we wish we could. Many of us are born into this world as a blissful infant without any worries. It is not until we develop further, that we are aware of any lack that we possess in our life. One of the most catastrophic situations is for a child to grow up without a parent(s) that chose to leave that child’s life. It may be easier to understand if the parent was not in control of their abandonment because maybe they are no longer living or they remained incarcerated.
Although, it is detrimental for children to grow up without either parent it can still be done. Usually if one parent is absent the other parent will pick up the slack to fill the void that the child feels. Or God will send someone into their life to be their guardian or just someone to help them as needed. I believe that no matter who was absent in your life you can still be successful if you choose not to let anything defer you. Although, you may have turned out successful in many areas of your life, do you feel that (a) parent(s) being absent from your life effected you consciously, subconsciously, or both?
I grew up without a father raising me. At first, I felt that it didn’t have any effect on me because I’ve never experienced any scarcity with anything I wanted or needed. My mother was a super mom who provided and taught me valuable life lessons that every successful woman should know. It wasn’t until I was reminded of my 5 year old self that I realized maybe the absence of my “father” being away affected me subconsciously. I remembered when I waited up all night looking out the window for him to come pick me up but he never showed. I was the child who cried to my mother asking her a million questions about why he didn’t love me enough to call or come see me. I was that angry child that found any and every picture that he was in just to split the picture in half.
Almost every little girl wants or wanted to be daddy’s little girl at one point. When they are deeply disappointed by their father it becomes one of their first heart breaks. Personally, I am not aware of any daily or conscious pain that I feel from not having my father in my life. But as human nature, we suppress any destructive memories protecting our mind so that we will feel better.
I do believe that sometimes it is better for a messed up parent to be absent from your life, rather than come into your life and contribute more pain than there would have been if they just stayed away. To answer the infamous question, I believe that it is too late for my absent “parent” to return back into my life because what is done is done. I am 25 years old now and no longer holding on to negative people who I have encountered in the past. However, I feel that the best thing to do at this point is for an absent parent to become the best parent they can to their other children, learning from their past mistakes. Or if they don’t have any other children approach their child in the most genuine way if you really want to mend the void.
If you are an absent parent do you ever have thoughts of returning back into your child’s life? What is the rationale behind your absence? If your parent has been absent from your life, do you feel that they are able to return now? Express your thoughts below!