Hating Off Top

As you all know I attend Jackson State University a historically black University. I love my university because it is filled with all kinds of people with different personalities. Some of those people are who we would call haters. My definition of a hater is a person who doesn’t see any good bringing negativity towards a situation. I would like to speak about a situation called Hating off top.  Hating off top is when you are hating someone just to hate, not knowing any background information on them. I feel that everyone has their own beauty they just need to recognize it. Therefore there is no need to hate against another. If you are beautiful and content with yourself then it shouldn’t hurt you to bless another person with a compliment. I’ve been observing my peers from my school. From my observations most people don’t speak to new people at all or they do if it is for their benefit. Men will at least nod and say was up if they cross another man in their path. But most likely women won’t say anything to another woman. Unknown men and women are more welcoming but that’s probably because they’re sexually attracted to each other. But if a good looking unknown female walks in a room at a party she will automatically get mean looks from the females that are already there. She is being hated off top. Why is that?  I feel that people believe that if they compliment someone else it would be taking away from their own beauty. But you shouldn’t feel that way. If you are “bad” then you should be able to compliment anybody without feeling less of yourself. Beyonce is one of the baddest chicks I admire in the game and if I ever seen her on the streets I would let her know that. I always compliment another female when I feel that credit is due.

Sometimes they respond with a smile and a thank you but other times I get a weird look and a thank you. Most girls are caught off guard by a compliment from another girl because they’re not used to it. I would like for women as a whole to get it together. Is this a self-esteem issue? Or are people that evil not to spread love with compliments? Whatever it is, there is a change to be made and it starts with you. When you see a person looking fly feel free to bless them. Compliments go a far way. You never know how much you could change somebody’s life with a simple compliment. Remember that this is a reflection of how you really feel about yourself. So the next “ugly” person that you think you see is really yourself in that person, your flaws, unwanted pounds, unwanted pimples, and unwanted scars. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. However, if you don’t want to pass compliments to another that’s fine also. Just release the need to criticize others. If you don’t have anything nice to say then you shouldn’t say anything at all. Express It!!!!

-Juicy Peach

Boo Thang

There are four different weather seasons Summer, Fall, Winter, and Spring. Everyone knows that during the Fall people are out looking for thier prospective boo’s for the Winter. Most people only stay booed up for the entire Winter and only half of the Spring because when it gets hot outside for some reason people start acting crazy.Verse Simmonds & Kelly Rowland just relased a song called “Boo Thang”.  I really like the concept of this song because although they dont have any strings attached and are only boo’s they still have respect for each other.  When they are together they are only focused on the love that they share. I think that this is something excellent for single people to have. I vote Juicy what do you think Juicy OR Dry?


-Juicy Peach


Gunnar/Logan Interview

Juicy Peach: What inspired you to make Unforgivable?

Gunnar: Okay well here’s the story Logan introduced me to this group of rappers called “NWA”. He basically introduced me to Ice Cube and  when I heard their lyrics they were really tyrannical lyrics I thought it was really funny and I don’t really care about rap but I thought that they were really funny and it made me start thinking about saying really funny crazy things. Also inspiration came from the P Diddy commercial for Unforgivable Cologne. Unforgivable Cologne commercial was banned from television because they had a crazy interracial scene.

Juicy Peach: What do you think the #1 unforgivable thing in the world is?

Gunnar: Most unforgivable thing is blasphemy of the Holy Spirit

Juicy Peach: What are your goals for your videos?

Gunnar: I don’t have any goals really as far as the videos go. Unforgivable really came from boredom and we were misguided on another project we were doing and it just kind of happened so there was no goal there. But for our other videos I would like for people to watch and support.

 Logan: yeah we really would like for people to take the time out to get to know us and our new videos.

Juicy Peach: Unforgivable has 16,552,294 views as of July 5 6:58pm. How did it make you feel to know that the video was so successful?

Gunnar: It makes me kind of feel dejected because it’s kind of unfair cause the projects that we actually worked on and had a goal at hand didn’t do as well as “Unforgivable”. We’d like people to spend time with them. “Unforgivable” was like a fluke. Lol I find myself laughing at it each time.

 Logan: we’ve spent so little time with “Unforgivable” that it’s hard for us to feel what others feel about it because it literally took no effort at all.

Juicy Peach: I still think that unforgivable is an epidemic!

Juicy Peach: What was your favorite unforgivable clip?

Gunnar: Favorite unforgivable clip-The Visitor

Juicy Peach: Who is Bovice and Van? Are they real characters or fictional?

Gunnar: Van is actually a kid I met in elementary school and Bovice is someone I made up right there.

Juicy Peach: Was any of your videos based off truth?

Gunnar: Well I may have seen someone watching date movie and I wanted to put on a DVD so yeah.

Juicy Peach: If you could be any animal who would you be and why?

Gunnar: I would most definitely be a cuddle fish because they have something called promatefors they are like pigment cells and I think those were very cool when I read about cuddle fish.

Juicy Peach: Who do you admire as a comedian?

Gunnar: Well as for as a comedian I don’t really know because I don’t really know anything about comedy I’m not like a stand up guy. I actually kind of hate it but I think that Kelcy Grammar Fraiser is really funny.

Juicy Peach: Are you interested in entertainment?

Gunnar: No and I’m sure I won’t have any other opportunities so no not really.

Juicy Peach: Why don’t you have any social networks like Twitter or Facebook?

Gunnar: I’m not into any of the stuff and I also don’t have a computer.

The man behind the camera

Juicy Peach: How hard was it to keep your composure while filming unforgivable?

Logan: Quite difficult Gunnar can be very persuasive making someone laugh I’ll tell you that. It was difficult the evidence was right there.

Juicy Peach: Who idea was it to film in the woods?

Logan: We were filming in the woods already another movie called buy and it was a piece of shit so we got frustrated and we started making our own jokes.

Juicy Peach: How did you and Gunnar meet?

Logan: We met in chemistry in 9th grade and we persuaded each other to start a band and we started playing music in high school.

Juicy Peach: What other projects have you filmed?

Logan: Other projects- big shout out to Chase Hildruth he’s one of the stars of “Fruit Head” that’s one thing I want everyone to know about is “Fruit Heads” cause that’s our big project at the moment we trying to take “Unforgivable” out of the picture with this one in terms of new content.  My new short film called “I Remember Everything” that I had for about two years I just recently finished it. Also I’m in this hip-hop group in California Greenovamusic.bandcamp.com. I would like for everyone to know that we love them.

Juicy Peach: What are your film goals?

Logan: I’ve been filming since I was very young so now my goal is to keep making films and keep being true to myself. Try to be as good as I can be and reach as many people as I can without compromising.

 Juicy Peach: How many DVD’s were sold from unforgivabledvd.com?

Logan: Like 10 or 11 lol. We never actually took orders for them. The people who did send money we just refunded them. I think that we started that like 3 years too late it wasn’t mean to be. But they have been available to people free for years so there is not really a point to charge for them.

Below is FRUITHEADS #3: “Willful Peasants”






Subscribe to Logan’s Youtube Channel: Hodge-Stansson Productions

Follow Logan on twitter: lwhodge

-Juicy Peach


According to dictionary.com the meaning of unforgivable is something that is so bad as to be unable to be excused or pardoned. You may feel that something that someone has done to you in this lifetime has been unforgivable. Or maybe you have done some unforgivable things to others. Well  Gunnar(Unforgivable dude) and Logan( guy behind camera) has over 16 million hits on youtube for their youtube video “Unforgivable”. In my opinion the “Unforgivable” series are haliarious and I like them all. Gunnar is expressing himself on the craziest things and its all off the top of his head.  It was a complete surprise to these guys that this video would be as popular as it was. My vote is Juicy! What do you think Juicy or Dry?

 -Juicy Peach

Going Back to The HOOD After College…

Going back to the hood after college was and still is a very difficult transition for me. When I was in college I could feel myself growing as a person. I met people who held intelligent conversations on a regular basis, and the bachelor degrees that me and my peers pursued were viewed only as the beginning of our educational milestones.  However, after returning to my old neighborHOOD after college I feel as though I am melting.  Instead of intelligent conversations I get peculiar looks followed by the question, “where you from” if I even try to bring a logical or theoretical point of view to a conversation. I get told all the time that “a degree isn’t everything” from people who haven’t earned a degree, and black men in my community act and have stated that they feel intimidated by me. At the end of the day I sometimes feel like a miss-fit in my own community. A degree that I was so proud to earn has become something I don’t talk about unless asked. I even told my mother to stop introducing me as her daughter that graduated from college because it was provoking people (mostly women) to have a nasty attitude towards me. In college they taught us to go home and teach the people in our communities the things we have learned, because the true goal of gaining knowledge is to share it. However, what do you do when the people in your community refuse to learn anything from you, down you for getting an education, and treat you as if you don’t belong? Express it!
