I’m changing it up guys, for those who keep up with us you know I usually express my thoughts on current events going on in the news but this topic has been weighing on my mind. What is worse physically or emotionally cheating on your partner? Or can we even define emotional ties as cheating? For instance I’m friends with a guy in a relationship and while we have never done anything close to “cheating” I mean nothing not even hung out just the 2 of us, lately our conversations have taken a very flirtatious turn. We laugh & joke like always and the jokes have started to take a kinky turn, deep convos more personal, more “I’m thinking about you” texts etc. point blank I can see the emotions beginning, while technically nothing is wrong I often think to myself “If I was his gf I wouldn’t like these texts”. Am I wrong? Is he wrong? What’s worse the physical stuff or knowing someone else is filling your shoes with the simple things like putting a smile on their face, making them laugh, cheering them up? At this moment I’m single but I remember when my relationship was headed south I too made an emotional bond with someone else. That person truly supplied everything I was missing in my relationship. We all know it but people still seem to forget SEX IS NOT EVERYTHING….and if that’s true sex outside a relationship isn’t either then. While cuddled with one, my mind could only think about him who never even kissed me, held me close during a movie just simply listened & made me smile. Well I did a little reading and I would’nt be me without hitting you with the stats! The technical name for this is an “Emotional Affair” and according to the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy 15 percent of married women and 25 percent of married men have had sexual affairs. 20 percent of married couples out of this national survey have experienced emotional infidelity. I’m sure those numbers are higher for us non-married couples out here. So let me know, have you ever had an emotional affair? Is physical cheating worse than emotional? Express it?
-Sunny D