France Bans Burqas & Fines Muslim Women

Saskya Vandoorne of CNN Paris released an article addressing the France law banning Burqas. Beginning late last year France passed a law banning face covering material. For some the first thought may be “so” but for many Muslim women this is a direct aim at their culture, religion and values. Hundreds of women are being stopped by police due to this ban. Thursday one woman was fined 120 euros ($162) for wearing the Burqa. CNN reports show Hind Ahmas purposely wore her face coverings in order to receive the punishment so she could take her case to higher courts. “I am happy to be fined, since I can now take this to the European Court of Human Rights…It’s not about the amount of money I have to pay. It’s about the principal…I am fighting to be able to walk freely in the street.”-Ahmas She is not the only woman to be fined since the law has been in place and a group called, Don’t Touch My Constitution came to the courthouse with a check to pay the fines of the women. I found this issue very interesting; if you all remember a few weeks ago I posted an article about American Fear of Muslims and the results of a shocking poll. One of which showed 50% of Americans would be uncomfortable with a woman wearing a Burqa. Apparently the USA isn’t the only nation suffering from this plight of fear. I too agree with the notion that this law is in violation of Human Rights. Many women stated they would only remove the coverings to prove their identity to security or pick up their children from school. Another stated, “You allow women to walk around half-naked but you don’t allow Muslim women to cover their body?” Another in the article spoke of how she was divorced and her choice to wear her coverings had nothing to do with a man. What the French gov’t has to say? Well they claim it will help the Muslim women blend into society. In reading about this topic and watching news reports on youtube I saw many western people’s comments that disturbed me….

“muslim beliefs are plain pathetic and arrogant women who wish to subject themselves to a full on Burqa must be either ugly or stupid!”

“Wearing Burkas is also a kind of terrorism.These are the mother of terrorism. Even muslims beard should be baned.”

“If they want to wear their body tents they are free to return to more suitable countries.”

“lol fucking funny…Muslim talking about freedom and democracy 😛

-Sunny D

Emotional vs Physical Cheating

I’m changing it up guys, for those who keep up with us you know I usually express my thoughts on current events going on in the news but this topic has been weighing on my mind. What is worse physically or emotionally cheating on your partner? Or can we even define emotional ties as cheating? For instance I’m friends with a guy in a relationship and while we have never done anything close to “cheating” I mean nothing not even hung out just the 2 of us, lately our conversations have taken a very flirtatious turn. We laugh & joke like always and the jokes have started to take a kinky turn, deep convos more personal, more “I’m thinking about you” texts etc. point blank I can see the emotions beginning, while technically nothing is wrong I often think to myself “If I was his gf I wouldn’t like these texts”. Am I wrong? Is he wrong? What’s worse the physical stuff or knowing someone else is filling your shoes with the simple things like putting a smile on their face, making them laugh, cheering them up? At this moment I’m single but I remember when my relationship was headed south I too made an emotional bond with someone else. That person truly supplied everything I was missing in my relationship. We all know it but people still seem to forget SEX IS NOT EVERYTHING….and if that’s true sex outside a relationship isn’t either then.  While cuddled with one, my mind could only think about him who never even kissed me, held me close during a movie just simply listened & made me smile. Well I did a little reading and I would’nt be me without hitting you with the stats! The technical name for this is an “Emotional Affair” and according to the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy 15 percent of married women and 25 percent of married men have had sexual affairs. 20 percent of married couples out of this national survey have experienced emotional infidelity. I’m sure those numbers are higher for us non-married couples out here. So let me know, have you ever had an emotional affair? Is physical cheating worse than emotional? Express it?

-Sunny D

Troy Davis

Tonight at 7pm Troy Davis will be executed. Since 1989 Davis has become one of the most famous people on Death Row, why? Well despite a lack of physical evidence, no murder weapon ever being found 7 out of the 9 witnesses recanting  or contradicting their testimony his execution is still going as planned. I hate to do it but I’m going to pull the “race card”. Davis, a black man was convicted of the murder of a Savannah, Georgia police officer.  The murder weapon wasn’t found but ballistics were traced to another shooting that Davis would also be charged with. Many people are angry even wanted Obama to intervene but Obama as president does not have the authority to do so due to state laws. Capital punishment is so controversial. Who are we to kill someone and what about those who are innocent? It just isn’t fair if you ask me. Davis has “dodged” execution since 2001 with different Supreme Court hearings and appeals but the fight is over. Coming after the famous Casey Anthony trial its baffling to see how in one case a white woman with overwhelming evidence walks free while a black man is killed. This reminds me so much of the movie Chicago….wait hear me out. All of the women in jail for murder were honestly guilty except for one woman! Ironically she was the only one put to death while the guilty women went free due to their play on “hyping” up their case playing the role. This is bigger than Troy Davis it’s a matter of Capital Punishment right or wrong?

-Sunny D

Why Don’t All Men Date?

Now Fellas ya’ll gone have to help me out with this one because I simply don’t understand. As a 21 year old woman I think that it is out of order to just take me to your crib when we first meet. Taking a girl to the crib to just “chill” lets the girl know that you don’t date and you only want to have sex. (even if that’s not the case) I cant speak for all women but most of the women my age desires to be dated. It’s okay for us to chill at the house sometimes but that’s after a few dates. Money is not an excuse either because there are plenty of free dates for you to take her on, you just have to get creative. You can take her to a museum, to the park for a picnic, or even to the court for a basketball game. It just depends on her likes. If a man takes me to the track on a date, I’m going to be excited. I may feel a little of a challenge because I’m out of shape but I will still appreciate that he’s contributing to me getting back in shape. There’s so much to dating than the regular expected things.

For the men who just want to have sex, 9 times out of 10 if you want to have sex with her she’s interested too. But it’s all about your approach. Women still want to feel special whether they are having sex with you or not. For example Eddie Murphey on Boomerang smashed most of his girls on the first day and he only smashed them once and quit it. Although he knew it may be this once he still dated them for that one day. lol Now I’m not saying that you only have to date a girl one day and you will be able to have sex with her. That just depends on the female. But what I am saying is that men need to upgrade on the dating tip. You should be able to give without expecting something back. The more you give the more you will receive. If you are dating her, spending time and just being yourself, you will receive everything you want from her anyways. (again just depends on the person)  If in the future a man approaches me and asks me to come over his crib I will politely tell him no because “chilling” in place of a date is a high school mindset. Why don’t all men date? Is chilling acceptable for the first date? Express It!!

-Juicy Peach

9/27 Cole World

J.Cole’s first album Cole World:The Sideline Story will be released on September 27, 2011. There is a lot of pressure on him from the media because they believe that his album is way overdue. I personally believe that he is releasing it at a good time because with his dope mix-tape “Friday Night Lights” and his new singles “Work Out” and “Cant Get Enough” ft. Trey Songs, he now has the buzz that he needs to sell his album. When a project is not ready its better to take your time with it rather than rushing it. Rushing will cause the ending result to be a fail. I will be one of the first ones with this album blogging about every track!  I am a huge J.Cole fan. Below is his latest video “Cant Get Enough” premiered on MTV2 on September 14.


-Juicy Peach