
I just wanted to write ya’ll and tell ya’ll thanks for all the support. Everytime I log into my blog I see that I am blessed with many comments. I am glad that ya’ll continue to support me. I’ve been slacking lately (not purposely) because I’ve been letting my schedule get the best of me but I am going to turn up the blog so much within this next week. Thanks again my loves.



-Juicy Peach

Ashley Hart Shoes

Last Friday I went to this Breast Cancer Awareness Event that was really interesting and moving. I met alot of new people there, one being this girl named Ashley Heart. Now if you haven’t heard about this girl as of now, DON’T WORRY cause you will in the near future. She is definitely going places.

Ashley Hart started designing shoes early spring of this year and was the only person EVER asked from Mississippi to participate in NewYork’s City Fashion Week 2011. Her shoe designs are the official sponsor for Steve Boi’s NYCFW Show. Her collection was presented in NYC at the Bryant Park Hotel on September 12, 2011. Lola Monroe wore a pair of Ashley Hart shoes at the 2011 BET Awards.

SO YOU’RE PROBABLY THINKING WHATS SO GOOD ABOUT HER SHOES? HOW DID SHE START THIS YEAR AND ALREADY ENDED UP IN NEWYORK FASHION WEEK 2011. WELL…….Ashley Hart custom paints and hand jewel her shoes. There is no machine that does this for her. Her shoes are strictly made out of love and that’s how I perceive them. It all started because one day she wanted to wear something new but didn’t have “new” in her closet so she innovated a pair of shoes that she had. That was super creative. One word to describe her shoes =DOPE!!!!! I was blessed with a free pair of her shoes and I cant wait till they’re in my possession. Her shoes are designed to express you, of course I love that concept….(Juicy Expressions lol) I vote Juicy for her shoes but what do ya’ll think? Juicy or Dry?

 Twitter: @_AshleyHart_ Facebook: AshleyHartAnderson

Email her for your very own pair of AshleyHart shoes now! 

[email protected]











                                      (Lola Monroe at 2011 BET Awards)


Songs That Help Lower Low Self-Esteem Women

Okay I wont blame these songs totally for lowering women self-esteem because *self-esteem has to do with SELF. Meaning it all belongs to you. You are the only one who can lower it or higher it. BUT these songs that Women write for other women does contribute. I’m personally tired of the heartbreak songs and the helpless songs that I cant get over a man. But maybe that’s just me. I wanna hear the uplifting songs about love and wonderful experiences. Songs about how we got over that man.  Below are my top 3 songs that I think Low Self Esteem Women should never listen to. These songs put these women in a crazy negative mindset. Also these songs will never give u the strength to do better. Please add to my list or give your own top 3. Express it!

1. It Kills Me- Melanie Fiona


2. Hater-Miranda Brooke


-Juicy Peach

Where Are the “Real” When S*** Gets Real?

When you meet someone new whether male or female one word that they automatically use to describe themselves is “Real”. They always say that I’m as “Real” as it gets, I always say whats on my mind. Well today my question is where are the real people when stuff gets real in your life? Where are they when you are going through your problems and you need some “Real” encouragement? You will notice that the same people who have always been there will remain. Those are the people who didn’t have to claim their “Realness” because it was already proven through their actions.

Track 10 on J.cole’s Album (Cole-World Sideline Story) is a song called Lost Ones. Lost Ones is a perfect example of a man being there for a woman when it was time for dating, sexing, and etc…but when she ended up pregnant he wanted the quick way out. What happened to the previous man who was always there? He acted like she got pregnant by herself.

She said nigga you got nerve
To come up to me talkin’ bout abortion
This my body nigga so don’t think you finna force shit
See I knew that this is how you act, so typical
Said you love me, oh, but now you flipping like reciprocals


There are so many examples of “Real” people not being there when its really time for them to be there, this is just one example. The crazy thing is that people can really fool you because you will have no idea that they will treat you a certain way because they always treated you good at first. Have ya’ll ever been in a situation where you were going through something and a friend or family member bailed on you? Express it!

-Juicy Peach