Do You Require Someone to Get Tested Before Having Sex With You?

Have you ever required someone to get tested before they began having sexual intercourse with you? I know you may be thinking well there is no need for that because we will be using condoms. However, let’s be truthful! How many of y’all had sex with a condom and the condom broke? Or you eventually got comfortable with that person and y’all just stopped using condoms altogether? I’m sure that question applies to most of you all, but that’s why it’s important for you and your partner to get tested together!

Some people are afraid to get tested because they are more comfortable not knowing their status. Also some don’t get tested off the strength of their partner getting tested. They believe that since their partner didn’t have anything they don’t either, so there is no need to get tested. I think that it’s mature and a safety protection for yourself and others, if you know your status. One of my friends was having sexual intercourse with someone that she has known for years. She went to the doctor to get her normal checkup and she received all negative results for every sexually transmitted disease. The doctor’s office gave her a printout of all of her results. She then presented the printout to the guy and asked if he could go get tested. He gave her every excuse in the book of why he couldn’t go get tested. She even offered to go with him. He told her that he couldn’t go to any clinic because of the way his insurance is set up. He then told her that his doctor was booked up for a couple of weeks and he could only go on Friday because that’s his only off day. Every week, Friday came and went and he never mentioned testing. She eventually fell back from him and I would have too!!! This same guy has tried to have unprotected sex with her numerous times but never presented her with test results.

What are reasons that people refuse to get tested? There are many people who are having sex with others but are afraid to confront their partners with real issues that are on their mind. SEX SHOULD NEVER BE A TIMID TOPIC.  I have heard numerous men say that they don’t like going to the doctor. I feel that people in general are afraid of going to the doctor because of what could happen or what they might have. But you can’t cope with the maybes or what ifs, you can only cope with what is real. Getting tested helps builds trust with you and your mate/sexual partner. It also kills the elephant in the room. A lot of people feel that their sexual business is their business but you are having constant sex with me, your sexual business is my business! But that’s just me! Do you know your partner’s sexual status? Are you afraid to ask them to get tested with you? Would you stop having sex with them if they refused to get tested? Express it below!!!


-Juicy Peach

One thought on “Do You Require Someone to Get Tested Before Having Sex With You?”

  1. I am all for getting g everyone tested. In these times too many games are being played. What do we have to hide that we don’t take care of ourselves by simply taking the test. Instead of buying every designer bag and shoes we can take a little to the side for a F fund. Invest in your self your life depends on it

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