What is a heart with no one to love? How am I me, if I never see my worth? Why do I care for you more than I do me? I’m begging you to see what is so invisible to me. I am alive but I’m not living. Looking you in the eyes with no knowledge in my soul. (The mind of today’s teens showcasing their lives on Instagram and Twitter to be the IT kid with followers).
Reality is certainly in the eyes of the beholder more than beauty is. Now a days you can buy breast, butts, eyes, hair, etc but tell me what is the price of reality? Once you take it upon yourself to direct your choices down the rabbit hole into wonderland you become The Mad Hatter. A person wearing so many hats neither will ever fit. You just can’t find the perfect magic to lead you home. Home is only in you.
Jesus is respected as a prominent icon of our nation. According to the Bible at the age of 12 Jesus began leaving his mother to conduct miracles along with preaching his gospel in the temple. Currently today’s society 12-18 year olds many want to become the next NBA star or simply have their first kiss. In some instances, their first child will arrive sooner than their high school graduation. Some smoke various substances, take possessions that are not theirs, or drown sorrows in “the kool aid”.
What age is acceptable to completely disregard maternal and paternal guidance and make decisions on your on? Does every member of the family have the responsibility to uphold the values, traditions, and not cause family relationship division?
Inquire from most persons between the ages of 12-18 they will tell you they do not feel they have obligations or “family ties”. They are free beings who are privileged to their parents home, finances, resources, connections, automobiles, etc. “I didn’t make myself moma/daddy you did”. Does this privilege include the right to become a career criminal, be jailed, or a non-productive member of society?
What age did you begin to peel away from the tree of your parents? Was it abrupt? Did you have regrets and if so did you ever apologize? Active parents believe the love they express should be appreciated or at least acknowledged even if never returned.What were some things that made you pull away from your parents? What is going on inside of a trouble teen? Express your juicy thoughts.
Mystery Flavor
Damn!!!! This is excellent. I left home at 17 as the mother of one. It was abrupt due tony mothers anger regarding my pregnancy. I understood at the time the stress that she insured due to my condition especially when adding it to my sister being on her second child at the same time. My thoughts on the situation is I wish we could have discussed things instead of her pushing me away. Communication is the key. I regret the anger and stress that I caused due to being a pregnant teen but don’t regret her telling me to go. I went to college and continued my path. I apologized for getting pregnant as a teen and she apologized for pushing me away from her.
There was no social media at the time and I was raised to protect my privacy. I remain astonished at the inability to stop the vomiting is private thoughts and action on social media. So many teens tweeting begging for people to DM them or like their photo.
What happens if they ever gain the attention of their peers? Will they have perform more to keep that attention or just keep chasing the idea. It sad to know that as parents we really don’t know the mindset of today’s teen and their depressed demeanor. Let us pray. I know as parents we have to cut the strict and let go. I’m requesting respect and honor and if it is time for you (teen) to move out than do so without the disregard for the knowledge and gifts your parent has.