The Loyalty Clock

Everyone really wants to claim the title of a “real” person. The title of being called, Real, seems to provide validity over so many lives. At what point does the Real concept becomes a question of stupidity? It’s many people in our society, no matter the race, put their lives in jeopardy for the sake of others just gain the the title of “Real”. What is the validity of loyalty measured against? Fake? Situational loyalty? What is the breaking point to which you have to decide to be a loyal person or loyal to yourself? The struggle of being a sacrificial lamb versus the one sacrificing the lamb has a ball of confusion on classifying a person. Thoughts?





4 thoughts on “The Loyalty Clock”

  1. For some reason everyone claims to be real these days. However I feel that real should be a characteristic that others may call you, instead of something that you are announcing about yourself. To answer your questions the real concept can become stupidity if you are jeopardizing personal opportunities for yourself just so that you can be looked at as “real”. For example let’s say that one of your friends does not like someone and that someone wants to pay you for your services for an event or for whatever the case may be. And you know that if you do this opportunity it could be huge for you and your business. Well in my opinion, if you don’t take the opportunity because of a minor situation dealing with someone else’s dislike for another person, then that is when trying to be “real” becomes stupidity. LOL I know that the above example was random but those are my thoughts. Now i can understand if your friend had a really deep reason for not liking the person. Like if that person tried to kill them and their family then that’s different. But a petty dislike is no reason for you to try to be “real” and miss out on an opportunity that would benefit you.

  2. The whole “Real” dynamic in today’s society is completely out of balance if you ask me. When did being real become something that you have to make known every second of everyday? Something that you have to post, tweet, retweet, and/or hashtag? It is crazy that we have taken an innate human trait and turned it into some gimmick to be plastered all over social media sites, t.v. shows, and billboards. Now getting to the question at hand the whole “Real” concept can start to become redundant/stupid when people start sacrificing being real to themselves or their personal beliefs just to seem like a “Real N” or a “Real Person” to their friends, co-workers, outside people in general or worse their twitter/instagram followers. I can’t tell you how many times I have heard somebody say they are “real” and the sentiment get proven otherwise. People need to realize that if you are real to yourself then you don’t have to worry about pretending because your true nature will shine through no matter what the situation. The only person who can judge or determine how real you are is you so remember that the next time you are about to utter the phrase “I’m real”. Ask yourself am I really being honest here or am I just faking so I can be accepted by the masses? Trust me if everybody really kept it real or all the way “100”, I bet you would be surprised on how many people really aren’t..well..real.

  3. If you are authentic in your daily walk then I say continue your truth. The problem begins with those who play sherades pretending to have depth to the lies that they don’t even believe about themselves. This fronting has to cease prior to you causing a domino effect that can end your life. People are simply exsisting and not extending skills and living life to the fullest. We all create our own reality but unless your name is Ronald McDonald, sit that ass down CLOWN!

  4. In my opinion real has nothing to do with how people see you. Being real is being you my matter the situation, location, or compensation. Don’t get me wrong, everyone has to be different sometimes. But different is not fake or “un-real”.
    Being real can only turn to stupidity in the mind of others. For example I know a couple of people who are who they are no matter where they are and who theyre with they are just a loud hot mess! They call it being real, I call it countretto (country and ghetto lol) but others may call it stupidity. However, considering they are just being themselves then they are as real as I am when I am standing straight, looking my professors in their eyes and speaking my “proper” English.
    Being real is being you no matter if it’s the proper you, the party you, out the hood you.

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