There are a lot of up and coming _____ (you fill in the blank). Everyone wants recognition and praise for their talents or hard work that they do. In order to receive the recognition you must be willing to put in the work! “Faith Without Works is Dead” James 2:14-26 (NKJV). Once the work effort is consistent, you have to fall back on faith and trust that it will bring you everything that you are looking for. You must also remember your main reason for doing something.
The reason why I blog is to have a voice and because I love the idea of expression. So even if only one person reads my post I am thankful. It would be silly for me to go around begging others to support me. Promotion is one thing but if you are going around begging others to support you and then getting mad because they don’t, then you are doing things for the wrong reasons. When you are begging, you are giving off the energy of lack. You have to first support yourself and believe in your idea 100% in order to gain the belief of others. You may receive recognition and fame from what you do but it should not be your sole purpose for doing it.
Remember to do what you want to do during your time on this earth. The whole point is to live YOUR life. The only person that can truly get in your way is you. Once you focus on ONLY the things you desire…your support will come storming in at full momentum. 🙂
I have a passion of love. Let me admit that when I cook something and put my love into it and people do t day it taste good it offends me. I keep telling myself to be satisfied and love the fact that I did something for someone I love. I now tell myself that I am greatful that I’m able. It is a struggle at times but it makes me realize that I need to please myself and not fall short in expressing love to myself. God is Love. First seek the kingdom of God and all else shall follow.
I loved this. Good point. I agree.