Inside The Vault Door: Being Present With Your Emotions

Was Good Believers?

If you are new here, I refer to my people as Believers because everyone believes in something, whether it’s God, Santa Clause, or negativity.  I am here to assist you in believing in you(r) source. 

Happy December; Happy New Moon in Saggitarius

Right now, everyone in my house is asleep, I am locked in with The Juicy Experiment and I have been going down a deep spiritual rabbit hole through my own shit. For the last hour, I have been reading all the unreleased blog posts that are currently saved in my WordPress drafts. These posts literally filled my cup all the way up. 

I recently told myself that it is time for me to consume way less of other people’s content and charge up on my own. So that’s exactly what I am doing now. 

I now realize that The Juicy Expressions is a direct link towards expanding my consciousness and embodying joy. I must continue on with what I started. Step by step, bit by bit *in my Whitney Voice. It’s really hour by hour though. -The Dopest Blogger Alive.

If you haven’t read my last blog post about how working for yourself for one hour a day can advance your mental health, you should check that out immediately after reading this post. 

Speaking of my last blog post…..

The last time I officially published a blog post on my site was  August 13, 2023.

Now, I would normally have a slew of negative thoughts judging myself, with it being over a year since I have expressed officially to my audience (excluding socials). However, that’s old energy. I am in a New Era. I am telling a new story. I am present in Winter, and I embrace the stillness, allowing myself to rest and reflect, just as the earth pauses to prepare for new growth.

Right now, where I stand, I feel so balanced. I actually feel the best I’ve ever felt about my blog energetically. 

With that being said, in this blog post, I am going to discuss:

  • How I connect with my emotions in the present moment;
  • The New Moon in Sagittarius Energy; and 
  • A few life updates 

How I Connect With My Emotions In The Present Moment

Before I divulge into my process of being present with my emotions, one thing to remember is that everything is forever evolving, and things just take practice.

Plain and simple, it just takes repetition, baby.

Know that you are way past ignoring energy, though.

It’s time to step into it and LEARN how to allow.














Come on in, it’s safe here.

At first, it’s going to feel as if it is not safe for you to feel your emotions, and it’s only because your mind is going to try to create a million solutions to “problems.” Your mind may be racing at the same time as tears are falling. It just all depends. But as the release begins, the weight begins to drop, and you will have clarity and feel exactly what it’s like to let go. So again, you are safe here. Learn to drop the burdens as they are not meant for you to carry.

When people say generic things like, release things that no longer serve you.; Allow life to be easy and good for you. If you haven’t read deeper books on consciousness, or this is your first time hearing something along these lines, you probably don’t know what the fuck they are saying.

What exactly am I supposed to release? How do I know what doesn’t serve me? 

Rereading the statements above is funny af because when I first started becoming more aware, I was acting slow af when it came to knowing my own world. Think about it; everyone knows so much about other people that when it comes to our shit we act like we don’t know any of the answers to our own questions. Or we don’t inquire about ourselves at all, only projecting outward. But that’s just droveness. You do know, even if it takes a while the answer will be revealed to you.

But you must ask. 

  1. Ask

I connect directly with my emotions, by checking in with me as if I am checking in with my best-friend (I am my own best-friend first and foremost). Okay how am I feeling about this? Whats the best thing for my energy right now?

Literally open your mouth and ask God (Source) (whatever name you use) “What is expired in my life?”

Questions to ask yourself.

What doesn’t feel good when I do it?

Who am I around when my energy feels low and what am I doing?

What things can I do to feel more balanced in my life?

How often do I experience joy, peace, and ease?

Questions along these lines will reveal the specifics of what you need to release. You may need to release physical things, but you can also release emotional traits.

One thing I am releasing now, is the need to be offended. Being offended takes a lot of energy from me and I am now ready to change this. Literally nothing that someone else does is personal. It’s literally not about you it’s about them. I am someone who reads alot of books on consciousness but just because I may know something intellectually does not mean I have embodied it emotionally.

It’s levels to this journey.

2. Go Sit Down.

I have been on an intentional journey of being aware of my emotions for a while, so I can go sit down for a moment and I’ll know exactly what’s up with me internally. Sometimes it takes longer than a moment, I may need to go lay down, take a quick nap or even go to bed for the day. Other times I will just go to the bathroom so that I am completely alone and I am able to focus solely on myself. Either way I seek stillness and obtain it.

Don’t ignore your energy. Listen to your body because your body knows. Seek stillness and obtain it. You are alive and you are not a robot. Start taking care of your self more deeply. You deserve it.

3. Breathe

Breathing has become a cliche answer but I don’t give af where this answer is categorized to the masses because it is the most important answer on the board. In your everyday life, you are breathing very shallowly unless you are taking time to intentionally breathe. You need to be breathing on purpose.

Take pause and try it right now. Deep Breath in holding it for 4 seconds, then release it out for 4 seconds while allowing your muscles and tension in your body to ease. You will find after some repetition that your body craves breathing. Breathing is what truly calms your nervous system. Taking deep breaths stimulates your vagus nerve which is a part of the parasympathetic nervous system which is known as the rest and digest system.

Now be honest. How often are you in a state of rest and digest? Don’t judge your answer, instead know that it is always available to you in any moment just like ease. You can not let the outside world run your internal world. Step into your emotions and create your world. You have the wand. You hold the power.

There are so many resources on breathing books, classes, live workshops, etc, because it’s that important. It’s the cliche things that we take for granted. Don’t sleep on the importance of breathing.

I have practiced some breathing techniques that now I am able to pin point exactly where my pain resides as it arise and that helps me release.

All in all, know when to leave the room, take as long as you need, and return with more clarity than before. Life is about feeling good and you learn to feel good by improving your emotions in the moment. There is no need to stay feeling stuck. Do something about it. These are just some of the simple things I do to be present with my emotions.

Have you peeked inside of your vault door? Have you taken a moment to sit with your emotions today? What treasures or truths are awaiting for you on the other side?

Does fear keep you from opening it? How can I support you in expressing what’s within? Let’s unlock it together. Share your thoughts below and let’s start the conversation.

New Moon in Sagittarius Energy

If you didn’t know because I have never shared it, I am into all the shit. (the good shit) I get real deep doing my energy work. I do chakra balancing techniques, spiritual rituals, spewing, deep imagining, praying, affirmations, mirror work, etc. I really love astrology and the moon cycles, I am forever learning more intricate details of it all.

I have been doing moon rituals since 2018, and during certain phases of the moon cycle, my intuition is deeply heightened. However, sometimes you can be faithful to something in a certain season but in another season you drop it like a bad habit. In fact, it was a good habit but you dropped it because your focus dwindled and Fear and Trauma took over the headlines. But back to the subject.

A new moon occurs when the moon is located directly between Earth and the sun, making its sunlit side face away from us. There’s a new moon every month. The new moon in Sagittarius occurred December 1st.

This new moon is bringing so much more to the surface for me to be aware of, so that I can continue to grow. I am enjoying the commitments that I have chosen in my life.

Speaking of commitments, this new moon energy is giving Divine Timing. Remeber who you are and stick to the plan. It’s giving follow through with all of your plans and do everything full out. Think of it like a performance but you are performing your best life scenario. You’re having fun, you feel joy, you choose peace because you know that everything is already yours. I’ts all for you. Your creator knows your desires but you must do your part. Trust in Divine Timing . Stick to your commitments.

I am sticking to my committments by making them plain and simple. Writing them out. Posting them any and every where. Cheering my self on, every step of the way. Make a new commitment or recommit and stick to it. One step at a time.

I choose to be healthy in all areas of my life. Wellness is my lifestyle.

The New Moon Energy in Sagittarius is bringing me tunnel vision. Tunnel vision on self mastery and staying in flow.

I have found my flow and that’s in life period. 

Flow is about releasing resistance and I have had my share of resistance in numerous areas and I recognize that resistance is on the lack side of the scale. 

Resistance and lack go hand and hand. Because when you are resisting the energy you are blocking the flow. Everything must flow and I love how it begins to flow when we choose ease and trust.

When the new moon rises, it is a great time to set your intentions.

I release straddling the fence. No more one foot in and one foot out for me. I’m all in. Ease is natural. Nature is natural. And guess what? You are nature. Everything is intertwined.

Trust only feels unnatural because of the programs that we were indoctrinated into. We were literally inducted into programs with foul ceremonies and all types of other shit. But when you arrived here as a baby you were already in trust and you didn’t have a choice. All you knew was trust.

Think of it just like that. I don’t have a choice but to trust God. That’s my only option and move like that.

I am in a state of trust and I have been through so much and I am still here.  

In the image above, the vault door doesn’t just open; it has to be unlocked and when it is unlocked, there is a strong, shining light gleaming through.

That goes back to choice. You have to choose to unlock your resistance. You get to choose ease. You get to choose light.

So my wish for you is to find the courage to unlock your vault door and step into the light waiting for you on the other side. Take some time to be still and write out your intentions. How do you want to feel? Manifesting something physical without having the emontional bandwith to enjoy it is half assed.

Life Updates: Let’s Catch up!

Life is always moving super fast for me. I have so many life updates that I want to share but many deserve their own blog post. However, I dont want to delay catching up any longer, so, here are three quick life updates to bring you up to speed.

14 Months Strong: My Breastfeeding Journey

This topic alone deserves its own blog post because, baby, I have truly been on a journey with breastfeeding. I am incredibly proud of myself. I’m happy to share that I’ve breastfed all four of my boys—some for longer than others.

I still remember being a scared, brand-new mom, nervously calling the pediatrician after leaving the hospital because my newborn son wouldn’t latch. I doubted myself and thought I could never make it beyond a year.

But with my fourth baby boy, I set a clear intention: to breastfeed for over a year and I’m so proud to say I did just that.

It is true when they say every experience is different with each child. Weaning my son off the breast was challenging af, because he was not having it.

When I went on a four-day trip to Atlanta, he had to go cold turkey without my milk. Ofcourse he eats solid food, so I wasn’t his main food source—but I am his main nurturer. Seeing his sad little face on facetime was taking me deep.

But, eventually, he adjusted and grew to let it go. When I stopped breast feeding one of my breast was so engorged and it hurt so bad for like a week and half. I literally had a lop sided titty. I am a comedian so I definitely was roasting my self while at the same time soothing my self. Nobody ever warned me about this and I’ve never experienced this shit with any of my other children.

My girls on the trip taught me about using cabbage to soften the pain. I tried it and it seemed as if it was working, but it eventually started irritating my skin. So I stopped the cabbage and thugged it out. I prayed it about and it and it eventually went back to normal. I am blessed because my breast although smaller, are back to normal and pain free.

Unlocking My Vault: A Creative Collaboration with Mike

I am too geeked to announce that I’ve officially brought Mike, my visual creative assistant, onto the team for all my videography needs! Mike isn’t new to this he’s true to this lol. He actually filmed my wedding, and now he’s helping me bring my vision to life by unlocking the vault of footage I’ve been holding onto. Releasing old footage is an emotional process so it’s good that he can do his job and cut shit right to the point.

We be going back and forth over what should be cut out and what should stay. But ultimately he holds me accountable with the overall goal, which is releasing the vault of footage. Stay tuned– exciting things are coming!

Last But Definetely Not Least….

I Am That Girl: Embodying Everything and Remembering Who I AM

Remember what I said above about being drove. Well I was drove for far too long and I am happy to be awake. Think of it like this, If you never looked yourself in the mirror, you’d eventually forget what you look like. Not looking at yourself is a quick way to forget who you are. (This goes deeper than just looking at yourself in a physical mirror)

I am now ready to look at my self in an even more deeper way than before. I am ready to be more vulnerable, to stay heart centered and be fully seen.

I am no longer afraid of change nor do I resist it. Change is inevitable. I go bravely. I have everything that I need now. I am already prepared and every tool that I’ll ever need is already in place, ready for me to grab. Access is Granted. All systems are a go. Blessings are raining down and falling into my lap.

I am stretching into change and I now understand change. Change is flow. Flow is just energy in motion. Energy is infinite, forever changing. I Alchemize. I hold my power and I Always Remember Who I Am.

What I know to be true is that I am a fucking vibe and it is a disservice for not only y’all but to me for not letting my light shine. I am designed to shine. It is my natural nature. I am taking more pictures. I am proud of myself and I am proud of my body. I have four beautiful boys and I celebrate that. I celebrate me.

I don’t know the exact point of when I stopped taking as many pictures but I am happy to be back. These were taken when I was in ATL celebrating my best friend’s Wedding. I felt so beautiful just being me, Being Present.

If you made it to the end of this post, thank you for rocking with me! Remember to keep believing in yourself and cheering yourself on every step of the way. You got this!

Until next time, explore more juicy content here on The Juicy Expressions, and remember to check out the first season of my podcast, Underground Radio the Podcast. It’s packed with inspiration, real talk, and practical tools to keep your vibration raised. See you soon!

Love Always,

The Juicy Experiment

Was good Believers? I hope that all is well with you and that you are still believing in yourself knowing that everything is already done for you. Knowing that your job is to stay out of your way keeping your vibration raised, allowing your desires to flow to you in divine timing.

There has been so much going on with me so I will be releasing multiple blog posts updating you all on my newest adventures. However, this specific post is about the Juicy Experiment (One Year Experiment) so let’s get right into it.

I just released my fourth episode of Underground Radio The Podcast and I am very proud of myself!

If you have made it to Episode 4 of Underground Radio The Podcast YOU ARE A REAL ONE and the ride is about to get so much deeper! In this episode, I revealed everything there is to know about the Juicy Experiment. The Juicy Experiment is a One Year Experiment designed to release your resistance to your creative process and transition you to Ultimate Freedom! The Juicy Experiment is a multipurpose experiment that can be used for transitioning from a 9-5 to working for yourself, having a consistent workout journey or self-care journey, etc. You can literally use this experiment for whatever you see fit. The best thing about it is you can begin NOW!

The Juicy Experiment is an ego-free experiment because the intent is for you to enjoy the creative process. By being faithful to this One Year Experiment I guarantee that in a year (before a year) your mental health will have increased incrementally and you will have completed more things towards your desired goal than you have in previous timelines. The Juicy Experiment has brought so much balance to my life.

Without further ado watch the full episode now and let me know your thoughts! If you want to join my accountability group dm me @thedopestbloggeralive on Instagram and I will send you further information. Also below is the official downloadable file for The Juicy Experiment! I am so excited that you are joining me on this journey to freedom lets motherfu**ing gooooooooooooooooooo !!!!!

Love Always,

“Losing Friends” Can Increase Your Self Love

That title is slick clickbait, WELCOME. You can never lose what’s meant to be.

As you begin or mature on your spiritual journey, you will naturally separate from many people. It’s like a universal force, that’s moving on your behalf placing you exactly where you need to be to receive that blessing you asked for; to experience that experience you desire, etc. We have a deep comfort in our old or current relationships. ( I know I did) But we must be willing to grow.

The statement “No New Friends” may be toxic and no longer serve you. However, some of your old friends may serve a specific purpose and you should no longer try to force them into being how you want them to be.

“Losing Friends” is a common theme once you hit your late 20s. During your growing years, you may lose friends or go in and out of different phases with certain friends. However, by your late 20’s you think that the friends who are there, are the ones who are going to last a lifetime. At least that was my thinking.

As you grow, your vibration will continue to rise and may differ from those who were once close to you. And at that point, the Universe (you) naturally does its thing. Separating you from lower frequencies and connecting you to more vibrational matches.

For example: When a developing woman no longer embodies the low vibrational energy to attract men on the lower frequencies, she will then rise to a place where she will only see or start seeing, more men who are of the quality that she truly desires.

Everything is about energy and the world that you are experiencing, is a vibrational match to the exact energy that you are exemplifying.

Since “losing friends” is an inevitable part of growth on your journey there are certain mindsets that I believe you should adopt. Instead of believing that you lost a friend, believe that you gained insight and received a shift.

This will only happen if you learn

How To Lovingly Release People.

The last friendship that I released, I literally used these exact words “I lovingly release you”.

You must remember that all relationships including your friendships are a reflection of yourself. Again, you are currently attracting the energy or currently rising above it. Either way, as a conscious being it is not of truth to go from truly loving someone to automatically hating them.

If your “love” has an opposite, then it is not love but a strong ego-need for a more complete and deeper sense of self, a need that the other person temporily meets. It is the ego’s substitue for salvation and for a short time it almost does feel like salvation. Chapter 8 Enlightened Relationships pgs.151-152 “The Power of Now” -Eckhart Tolle

After a fallout, separation, or whatever you want to call it, if you loved that person then you should release them with love. If all of a sudden, the love you had for the person turns into you gossiping about them or attempting to sabotage them, then it was never 100% genuine in the first place.

On our journey to evolving consciousness, we no longer have to have dramatic fallouts, we can simply RELEASE THEM WITH LOVE- THE DOPEST BLOGGER ALIVE

After my brother transitioned from this physical plane and while preparing to marry my now husband, I was not expecting to let go of any friends. We are not in charge of when it’s time to let people go. Releasing people is a spiritual practice. So you must do it in a way that serves you rather than hindering you.

Personally, the friend I released was one of my closest friends with whom I have been connected with since my college days. She was more like family than a friend. Even though the situation was very hurtful for me at the time, I could only send love to her vibrationally cause that’s all I had/have to give. Even more so, from being in a sensitive place from my brother’s transformation, God told me it was time to release her with love.

As you know, I love to give action steps on the advice I give. These particular action steps are new ways of thinking. So here it goes. (This information applies to family, associates, etc.)

3 Ways To Lovingly Release Someone

  1. Letting people, things, and situations go is a natural part of our life cycle.

We have to learn to release all attachments that we have in life period. Our life should operate pretty identically to how our bodies operate. (A really deep book that explains this in depth is Deepak Chopra’s Book of Secrets.) Imagine if our bodies held on to everything that we absorbed, never letting things go. We would be at the least constipated and mentally ill. Your bowel system and your mind have to move freely for your health.


I easily go with the natural flow of the universe.

I accept the now and I fully live in the now.

I learn valuable lessons from all of my past and current relationships.

That relationship was an experience and I detach from the outcome.

2. When you are against something you are against yourself and against the entire universe.

I can’t remember who exactly I learned this from but almost all of the OG spiritual teachers have said this in one way or another. Simply speaking the negative feelings you are harboring against another won’t serve you. And since others are reflections of yourself those negative feelings are against yourself. It makes perfect sense when you break it down. It’s the same thing as you get back what you put out. Why should you get out of alignment because of something that is no longer natural in your universe? Specifically, speaking why should you be out of alignment with a relationship that you’ve energetically outgrown? Release it.

Action step: When you naturally think of them send them love.

There was a habit created when you communicated with this person daily or however so often. So of course you will naturally think of them at times. If you have love to give, send it to them vibrationally. At the very least, when thoughts come up send love to yourself.


I am thankful for those who are meant to be with me in the now and I lovingly release all friendships/relationships that are no longer a vibrational match to me.

Change is inevitable, I embrace change with joy and ease.

3. Level Up Your Friendship with Yourself i.e. Be Your Own Bestfriend

It’s a known history that when a women breaks up with her man, she starts glowing the fuck up quickly. That’s because most of the time we deal with our real emotions and then we start loving ourselves and having time for ourselves. Well, that’s the same for any relationship.

We all know that at the end of the day, it is you and you alone who think the thoughts that are in your head. We also know that we were born alone and that is how we will transition. So it is time to be your own best friend. Let the relationship with yourself take your number one spot and then all the other relationships will be vibrational matches to your energy.


I love spending time alone.

When I am in silence truth is revealed and I learn so much about myself.

I always prioritize my relationship with myself.

I fill myself up with love and it is easy to spread the love to others.

Going back to the title of this blog, you CAN INCREASE YOUR SELF-LOVE after releasing any relationship if you do the work to shift your mind. There is no need to suffer especially since life will remove any attachments that we cling to anyway.

Love Always,

The Juicy Book Club ft. The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success

Deepak Chopra’s Seven Spiritual Laws of Success is a book that I revisit often. I actually have the application of each law on my vision board. It is a 37-page book but it is a book of comprehension and not of completion. Meaning, you shouldn’t just read it and throw it back on your dusty bookshelf with all the other books that you have read but not applied. The spiritual laws that are discussed in the book are universal laws that are timeless; they are always relevant now.

I have tested these laws out myself. I have also done Deepak’s Seven Spiritual Laws of Success 21-day meditation on youtube. (HIGHLY RECOMMENDED) In 2019, I grabbed a few of my friends to undergo a 7-week study, evaluating a different law each week. It was very exhilarating and expanded the minds of many others.

This particular post is about the second law, The Law of Giving.

“This law could also be called the Law of Giving and Receiving because the universe operates through dynamic exchange.”-Deepak Chopra

Without further ado let’s get into the Law of Giving with The Juicy Book Club.

The Juicy Book Club will be reviewing a new book soon. If you want to be a part of the Juicy Book Club make sure you subscribe to the blog with your email. Also like, comment, and subscribe to my youtube channel.

-Love Always, The Dopest Blogger Alive

Release Self Limitations That YOU Put On Your Dreams

Being overwhelmed mentally and thinking that I had to keep up with society’s standards of blogging have kept me away from my love which is blogging. But now I am wise enough to know that (excuse my language) I can do whatever the fuck I want to do. I don’t have to post a blog post every single week or every month if I don’t have the mental energy for it. Me dropping a blog post is like one of your favorite artists dropping an album because most of my posts resonate with your consciousness. Because this has been a constant inner battle for a while, I completely withdrew my energy and that is not fair to me or to the people who really need my energy. When I blog, I feel free af and I can honestly say that although I have found my inner happiness from doing my inner work over the years, I haven’t really felt as free as I did when I was blogging. Freedom is one of the main themes of my life.

I won’t promise that I will abide by societal standards of blogging but I can say that I’m happy to be here in the now with you. I AM a CONSCIOUS BLOGGER. Two things were certain when I started TJE, my love for music, specifically underground music, and my spiritual journey to higher consciousness. I never really established or solidified that TJE was a conscious blog but if I review the past, that’s exactly what it is. That’s what I’ve been on since the beginning. One of the very first posts that I wrote about, was the secret and the law of attraction and that was in 2011 when many were not hip to it. The way I wrote my interview questions was all geared towards elevating consciousness. Because I created TJE for my inner freedom and for the love of blogging/ writing I never knew to make FREEDOM my niche. I’ve been hoarding D.O.P.E. blog topics, inspiring photos, and life-changing experiments because at times I have been mentally overwhelmed.

“Swear that’s my dream, but he too blind to see that
If you doin’ what he love in his freetime
Then his dream already happened” -Big Sean “Everything That’s Missing

I never once in my head gave up on TJE but I had the false belief that life would slow down for me so that I would be able to blog more. I now know that I have to create the time and space for blogging. So if you have a dream or certain desires the time is now. Start working on it when you feel aligned. Don’t worry about the fact that you can’t finish it right now. Don’t worry about the fact that you only gave one hour to your dream today. You have to build up the momentum for creating time and space for your inner desires. You may think that you are living your dream once the milli hits the bank account or once you go viral but living your dream is living in the now on your journey. 

So RELEASE any and all SELF-limitations that YOU put on your DREAMS.

I have. I did.


-Love Always The Dopest Blogger Alive

Continue reading Release Self Limitations That YOU Put On Your Dreams