After all the stress died down from taking my final exams, I had time to reflect on the negative things that have been said to me from all types of people. Some are people who were dear to my heart and others were people I looked up to.
I must admit that for a small amount of time I did let certain comments effect me but then it hit me like an epiphany! I VOW to no longer take any negative vibes or comments from others personally. The truth is, the negative energy that someone else is throwing out on you is coming from the negativity that’s boiled up inside of them. If someone is doing something to you they are really doing it toward themselves.
During my admission process for law school, I was told by a mentor that I should choose another career path because my grade point average was too low for any law school to accept me. ( I actually had a decent GPA but it could have been higher but I was involved in a lot of activities during my undergrad studies that shifted my focus but that’s besides the point). My point? WHY ON EARTH would someone feel the need to say discouraging words to me when I am entitled to pursue my dream. As a mentee you look up to a mentor for guidance and wisdom on your path to achieve your goal.
When I become a mentor for someone I will never say anything that would contribute to move them away from their deep desire. WHO ARE YOU to say what someone will or won’t become? There is a difference between constructive criticism and being a Debbie downer. This threw me a little to left field because I thought highly of these individuals but then I realized that in all actuality it DOESN’T MATTER at all WHAT SOMEONE ELSE thinks of you. I stayed away from all negative people who gave off bad vibes during my law school process and I continued to focus on everything that I wanted. I received my law school acceptance letter on November 15, 2013, to the school of my choice and I was too geeked!
The people who did not believe or have doubts are the people who second guess everything about their own lives. Those who criticize or judge are also judging their own lives.Example: When you tell someone some great news that just happened to you and they don’t display any excitement or great emotion they may or may be happy for you. That part varies but really THEY ARE NOT happy with their life situation so its hard for them to express their joy for you.
I am so grateful to share that I have successfully finished my first semester of my law school career! No way did I let the thoughts of others stop me from pursuing my goals and reaching them. No way should you let it stop you either. Express a time where someone told you that you would not make it but you overcame the things they doubted. In 2015 continue to block negativity and listen to your own voice. Happy New Year!
Happy New Year. I had a similar instance with an advisor. amThis counselor that told me to pick another major other than nursing just because I was a mother. That inspired me to definetly prove him wrong. What I really was doing was proving me right. Where was this advisor while I pursued 5 college degrees two of them Master’s degrees? Probably in the same office trying to crush other people’s dreams.
The quiet moments of life helped me to know what I really wanted. Your voice is should be music to your ears.