Have any of you guys sent out naked pictures to your mate, boo thing, or someone who is just a “friend”? If so what was the outcome? Were there any regrets? I have sent a full nude pic a very long time ago in high school to my first love. He did admit to showing his best friend only to brag about how good I looked, but I still wasn’t happy that he even did that small part of exposure. Now days I wouldn’t dare send a naked picture! I never send naked pics no matter what level we are on, because you never know what a person will do if they reach their limit for whatever reason. Also if we are on that level, when we are in person I will allow you to take a mental picture.
I have witnessed dudes expose females that they use to be in love with on social media, through mass text messages, or by showing their friends. I think that is real petty and weak! Showing your friends is one thing although it was sent only for you, but exposing someone disrespectfully on social media is taking things to a WHOLE new level. Especially having the full pages on Instagram and Facebook called Thots Exposed or whatever degrading name you call it, is just pure wrong. What is the world coming to? I do feel like it is a person’s job to be discrete but the men or people who are out here WIYLIN makes it hard to trust someone with a precious picture.
There were so many times that Badd Banana and I thought about making a male exposed page but we didn’t because you can’t fix wrong with wrong. I’m sure when I’m married I will be able to send my husband a nude picture but till then DON’T EVEN ASK! 🙂 For those who have exposed women on social media because you were mad at her or for whatever alternative reason, please comment and explain why? Do you think you had the right to expose or do you honestly know you were being petty? At what point did you decide to expose her? How can you expose someone that you used to be in love with? Ladies have you ever regretted sending a nude pic? SORRY if you feel that I am being one sided but I have never seen a woman expose an actual naked picture of a man on social media but if you feel that women do this just as much as men, comment on that because I really want to hear that point of view! Express it below!!!! -Juicy Peach
Great read!!
Exposure has become far more widespread due to the increased perpetuation of people wanting to seem cool or tough on social media. When females are “exposed” or labeled as a certain thing I’m sure that that takes a big emotional and psychological toll on them. Twitter and Instagram are now a wildfire of rapidly spreading anything. I will admit, I have “exposed” someone before. And i will also admit that in retrospect, it was petty. But, it was done in rebuttal as to how she attempted to defame me. In my own defense, I was in high school and this was way before Twitter or Instagram. I didn’t even post it to the internet, but by 5th period my teacher was asking me what was this video that she had been hearing about. Now as far as “exposing” guys, I say you ladies have at it if they are deserving of such. Just make sure he can’t return the favor. If anyone was to attempt to expose me it would be more of a reference than anything else.
Yeah that is stupid to expose someone if it will backfire on you but I have a question would you expose someone now even if they have done wrong by you? Like what is the breaking point where you feel that someone has the right to be exposed?
Honestly, I wouldn’t. Because if it’s made it to that point we’ve already had sex. And in that situation I win.
Lmaoooooooo thats funny. Idk if I would call that a win but that’s true no matter what we still smashed so you just have to let it go
I would call it a win because whatever she may be upset about, or what ever she had done that would potentially warrant an exposure would have to be some small, petty stuff that she was really trying to blow up. And quite honestly, more then likely I would simply reply, “And you still love this dick.”
Lol its terrible when you hate someone but they have the best sex smh it confuses your emotions 🙁 but What did the girl do to you in high school? Did you ever regret exposing her? What was her reaction?
Well. She was goin already. And we did our thang. I said nothing to nobody. In class somebody was like “______ I saw you leave school with Christian yesterday.
Her response was “Christian?! Aw hell naw! He ain’t got nothing for me! I would never! Blah blah blah…” So. I sent the video to one person in the class and asked “Does this look like nothing?” Spread like the flu. She was woozy. I mean devastated. Teachers had seen the video. I only regretted it because I almost got suspended for it. But my face wasn’t in it so when administration asked I said it wasn’t me.
Yeah I guess that was karma since she tried to play you. But that’s another point that I should of added to the article. DUDES TAPING SEX WITHOUT THE PARTNER KNOWING! Gots to be more careful. I had male friends that had tons of videos in the phone so I was always conscious of where his phone is while we were doing whatever. Now if he had a hidden camera then idk.
Nah. She looked in the camera and smiled.
Well she definetely shouldn’t have tried to play you then. Did y’all ever speak again?
Yes we did. And what’s even crazier is, we had sex again. So you kinda see what I mean by taking the win?
Let me start off by saying this is an interesting topic due to the fact that is has multiple sides, ramifications, etc. But getting back to the subject at hand, I feel that the exposing of naked pics and just the exposing of people in general has gotten way out of hand. When it comes to the whole cell phone thing let me say this, unless you have round the clock surveillance and I mean around the clock or never ever ever let your phone out fo your site, sending naked pics to your girl, boyfriend, significant other, “friend” is a bad idea and here is why: people get caught up. You may have the best intentions in the world and promise to never show anyone but c’mon we all know things like pride, stupidity, and the need to prove that your partner or that person is really as bad as you say can lead to moments that I have affectionally coined as “uh oh moments “. You know those moments that cause guys to cheat on they girls or start pursuing a girl just to see if what was in that pic is really like that and cause women to hit you with the “eye”, potentially go behing their girlfriends back, and mess up everything just to confirm that what they saw is the real thing and ultimately have us guys calling yall things like thots, rollers, etc. So please for your sakes stop with the pics to people’s phones. Now let’s get to the good stuff, social media. First off unless the person you talk to is trying to be the next microwave internet celebrity I’m pretty sure they don’t want to go on twitter, instagram, facebook and see naked picks of themselves plastered down walls, time lines, or becoming a trending topic. If the person you are messing with send’s you a pic do them a favor and keep it to yourself because not only are you hurting/destroying you guy’s relationship, you are potentially putting that person in harm’s way and to top it off you look like a complete and utter a-hole. Trust me you won’t or do not desrve props or recognition for doing this and if you do get them then you need to seriously think about changing up the people you associate yourself with. But, and this is something I still don’t understand to this day, some people on the other hand go out of their way to expose themselves on these social media sites and to them I ask why? Why put up pictures of you naked, exposed, doing certain things then get mad when people comment on them and call you ugly, fat, ratchet, this, that, and the third? You put the pics up there you knew the consequences of your actions yet you still did them so you must have know every response wasn’t going to be something you like. Plus I don’t think people understand that once these things are on the internet they are on there and they don’t go away. Imagine how much damage you could be doing to yourself or others down the line by posting private pics. So the next time you get mad at the person or feel like showing off or just want to do something stop and think, will this come back to bite me in the butt?
Finally we have the whole “exposing women” thing. Me personally I have never done that to a women because I have more respect for them than that no matter how we may have ended or the ignorant and/or childish things they may have done to me but that does not mean I am blind the other side of the issue. Every women out there is not a queen or something special, some women are actually every negative thing they are percieved to be and will take guys there just because they can. To guys who have dealt with women like this or are dealing with women like this now and feel like they want to get them back by releasing some pictures, remember this: she is in the gutter becuase she choose to be don’t allow her actions to cause you to do something that will put you right down there with her. Rise above the ignorance and do the right thing. To the guys who didn’t take this path and chose to oust the girl, what’s done is done the past can’t be changed but the present and future can be start anew. Take the pictures down and go to the girl and apologize for your lapse in judgement and try at least to make peace. Even if she does not accept your words you at least know you tried and you will be at ease.
In the end all this exposing people b.s. has got to stop because no matter if it is a man exposing a women or a women exposing a man or even just an inncoent foupa, those pictures always do more harm than good.
I knew a girl almost killed herself after someone made a fake fb page added heela ppl from our collegecand posted a video of her smh repuation forever shot….ive never exposed anyone not even to just a bff…I personally don’t like pics they do nothing for me…and ive never sent a nude pic but ill admit ive sent a sexy underwear one…I just never send anything id be totally upset if it got out
Pet Peeve = guys asking for nudes
total turn off
No nudes! I just feel like we don’t know if a nigha is a peon until we see if the relationship works out. Nighas are quick to expose when something doesn’t go their way. For example. I sent a Nigha at JSU a bra and panty pic and years later he decides to post it via twitter. Peonish? Yes! But on the bright side I got hella followers because my body is badd ! Lol. But unfortunately he was just a salty Nigha at best. Learning experience in conclusion. No nudes!
I agree with Phil people are out of control but the person allowing themselves to be photographed has the responsibility. Often we do things reckless and charge others with the responsibity if holding our mess. You couldn’t hold it and the person who exposed you couldn’t either.