Warriors {A Dedication To All Who Have Lost Their Life To Racial Injustice}

Brown girl, brown girl,  what do you see? I see the world looking down on me.

Brown boy, brown boy what do you see? I see the world is trying to kill me.

Wow. What is today? Is this 2015 in the Great land of America, the land of the Free ? That is still so hard to believe.  When America wrote those words “Land of the Free” they already enslaved you and me.

Now, this is not just plain slavery that we have endured for over 400 years or is it the original post slavery period when we were not told that we had been set free. This is slavery plus two hundred years of additional injustices which equals over 600 years of enduring bondage of the mind, body, and soul still being treated as property.

Do not resist, they say but aren’t those the same words that “Massa” used to say. Do as you are told and I just might let you live (wow such privilege for them to say no guarantee that you will not be lynched in the street for all to see. But a guarantee that your lyncher will get away with it. Where have we heard this before).

Let us take a pause, people of color have endured so much pain but “Please don’t be violent back to us just walk the streets until you can re-trust US (us or United States which ever applies).

Violence is not the answer but let us stop pretending we have no idea where this anger is stemming from. Start with yourself and stop any negative or oppressive thoughts so we can build a mental Army. This will allow us to elevate to key positions that will bring change to generations to come.

Remember just in the sixties we were not allowed to use the same facilities as our counterparts. And we had warriors of change to step in and protest for our rights. This must continue.

Let’s all look in the mirror and ask ourselves what do we see. Your reflection matters on how you strive for perfection but please know you deserve PROTECTION!!!!!!!

What Do you see? I pay homage to all of the warriors that have given their lives so we can have a better life through change.

We miss everyone of you, our Warriors.

What Is The Mindset Of a Troubled Teen?

What is a heart with no one to love? How am I me, if I never see my worth? Why do I care for you more than I do me? I’m begging you to see what is so invisible to me. I am alive but I’m not living. Looking you in the eyes with no knowledge in my soul. (The mind of today’s teens showcasing their lives on Instagram and Twitter to be the IT kid with followers).

Reality is certainly in the eyes of the beholder more than beauty is. Now a days you can buy breast, butts, eyes, hair, etc but tell me what is the price of reality? Once you take it upon yourself to direct your choices down the rabbit hole into wonderland you become The Mad Hatter. A person wearing so many hats neither will ever fit. You just can’t find the perfect magic to lead you home. Home is only in you.

Jesus is respected as a prominent icon of our nation. According to the Bible at the age of 12 Jesus began leaving his mother to conduct miracles along with preaching his gospel in the temple. Currently today’s society 12-18 year olds many want to become the next NBA star or simply have their first kiss. In some instances, their first child will arrive sooner than their high school graduation. Some smoke various substances, take possessions that are not theirs, or drown sorrows in “the kool aid”.

What age is acceptable to completely disregard maternal and paternal guidance and make decisions on your on? Does every member of the family have the responsibility to uphold the values, traditions, and not cause family relationship division?

Inquire from most persons between the ages of 12-18 they will tell you they do not feel they have obligations or “family ties”. They are free beings who are privileged to their parents home, finances, resources, connections, automobiles, etc. “I didn’t make myself moma/daddy you did”. Does this privilege include the right to become a career criminal, be jailed, or a non-productive member of society?

What age did you begin to peel away from the tree of your parents? Was it abrupt? Did you have regrets and if so did you ever apologize?  Active parents believe the love they express should be appreciated or at least acknowledged even if never returned.What were some things that made you pull away from your parents? What is going on inside of a trouble teen? Express your juicy thoughts.

Mystery Flavor

Sexless Marriages/Relationships

Are bonds made to be broken? Every little girl dreams her whole life of assuming her rightful place as Queen of her castle. In order to become Queen, she usually keeps herself (or her virginity) until her King sweeps her off her feet into his huge muscular arms.

Well, what if you waited 26 years for the man of your dreams who tells you that he wants 7 children and has an extremely hungry sex life? However, you realize two years into the marriage that you are the only one that is married. Let’s say that you’ve upheld your vows in every way possible and one day you awoke to an instant sexless, loveless marriage.

No intimacy? What is this? Is it possible for a man to not kiss, hug, caress, or have sexual intercourse with a women for ten years in a row? There are a few items we must consider here. Keep in mind this man claims that his sexual orientation has remained attracted to women. He also won’t undress in front of his wife stating he can not have sex with her because he gained over 140 pounds since their wedding day.

What man grabs his wife’s hand abruptly off his leg, just as she gets close to touching his penis? He refused medical attention to explore reasons for inability to have an erection. What 30 year old man can say good bye to his sex life for 10 years in a row?

During the ten years of a sexless marriage the wife becomes pregnant. Is she wrong for pursuing her needs and desires from another man who can supply those needs?
What obligations does she have to her husband?

Most people would just say he is plainly changing his sexual orientation, cheating, or plain crazy. He continues to claim that he only knows how to love through financial means. To the world, marriage is death do us part but maybe it should be till SEX do us part in marriage?