Sexual Exposure to Youngins

I am aware that as we develop into the different stages of adolescence we naturally begin having urges and desires for sexual attention. This is a natural process that will most likely happen to every single person growing up. However, I feel that it is highly inappropriate for others to influence young people to engage in sexual activity before they express a personal interest physically or mentally. It is one thing to educate and inform the child on all the pro’s and con’s that come along with sex. But I feel that showing them pornography, taking them to a strip club, paying for them to receive sexual services and etc…is stripping the child away from their childhood. They have plenty of time to secure a sexual habit so there is no point in contaminating their mind before they are ready.

As we all know, sex comes with a lot of responsibilities in which children already have a hard time dealing with their normal daily duties. Now, I can not pinpoint the specific or right age that you should discuss sex with the  “youngin” because it varies. Be that as it may, you should not influence them to have sex when they were not initially interested. I personally know a lot of guys who started watching porn by or before the age of 10 because their big brother introduced them to it. While it is great to bond with your younger sibling, I’m sure there are more age appropriate ways to connect with them.

If you have a feeling that your youngin is engaging or interested in sex I do believe you should talk to them for the sake of education and safety. Because even if you ban them from having sex they will find a way to sneak and do it. SO BETTER BE SAFE THAN SORRY! Lil Wayne revealed years ago that Baby took him to receive oral sex from an unknown woman at age 11. Wayne stated that he was raped but also admits that he loved what happened to him. I feel that this experienced definitely exposed him to becoming sexual at an early age. Four years later at age 15 Wayne had his first child. Chris Brown lost his virginity at age 8 because he was influenced by his older family members. I can’t say for sure that these guys would have turned out differently if these events would not have occurred but there is a high possibility. Having sex too early could influence how you deal with sex for the rest of your life.

I am a mother of a son and if ANY MAN exposes my child to sex at an early age there will be some unimaginable consequences. I want my son to engage in sex when he naturally feels ready. The world already brings outside influences so there is no point in bringing more.  But hey that’s just how I feel. How old were you when you first began engaging in sexual activity? Were you influenced by others? Do you think that it is appropriate to influence young kids to have sex at an early age? Express it below!

{Clip of Lil Wayne expressing how he received oral sex at age 11}

21 thoughts on “Sexual Exposure to Youngins”

  1. This topic should be discussed more in every community. I believe that the nonchalant manner in which sex is introduced to young males, influences their later promiscuity. Maybe if parents would take more of an interest in protecting their boys introduction to sex, then relationships would be better today. Maybe they would value women more as opposed to objectifying them as a sex object.

    1. I agree whole heartily with your comments. I feel society has brainwashed the masses to believe that men and boys have immunity. “Oh, boys will be boys” and “that’s the manly way to live and conquer”. These statements are foolish ways to allow inappropriate behaviors to slip through the cracks of what is best for our society.

  2. In the day and age that we are currrently living it is hard not to open a magazine, turn a channel, log on to your facebook, twiter, or instagram pages or walk outside for that matter without being exposed to some form of sexual content. Sex is one of the most highly discussed, scrutinized, studied, and critiqued subjects that our young people face today. The topic of sex has become so taboo, that we as a generation have almost in a sense become desensitized in regards to the topic because we are exposed to it so much. I first started really thinking about sex and engaging in sexual activities, I say around middle school and even then I was nowhere near what you would call an “expert” on the matter. In the sexual climate of today’s children that statement is almost laughable because by the time most kids are elementary school age now they are aware of and at least have some notion or concept of what sex is. It gets even scarier when you move up to the middle school ranks because some of those kids have already engaged in sexual activities and are participating in things such as oral sex and threesomes on a near-regular basis. Now when I was growing up and you wanted to know about sex and you didn’t want to listen to the akward and often-times rehearsed lectures of your parents then you had two options. The first was talk to some of the older guys around the neighborhood and the second was ask some of your older cousins or if you had any, older siblings. Nowadays kids don’t even have to go that far because in the age of tecnological savy and high-speed living, kids can just hop on the internet and after deactivating a couple of parental locks go onto websites and look at sexual materials and acts way too explicit for their eyes and way too much for their young minds to handle. Even if they do not look on the internet due to all the cable channels we have available thanks to our service providers, kids can stay up late and watch cinnemax, the playboy channel, HBO, etc. Any guy my age can remember sneaking downstairs late at night to watch BET Uncut and if you can’t well then you just weren’t an inquisitive child. Hell even without tv and the internet, kids can still be exposed to sex at a young age by just going up and asking one of their friends. Trust me some of these kids today have done things you wouldn’t believe.

    Now with all that has been said the question still remains, “Do you think it is appropiate to influence kids to have sex at an early age?” The answer to that question is a resounding “No”. I do not believe it is appropiate to influence kids to engage in sexual activities at a young age because kids minds, bodies, and psyches are just not ready to handle such an undertaking. Kids who end up engaging in sexual activities at too young of an age often times never fully learn all the things they really need to know about sex. They never learn about the full act, the consequences that come with engaging in said act, the pitfalls and unfortunately sometimes deadly and traumatic ramifications that can come about if they do not engae in the act safely and with protection. But even with all that being said do you know what the truly scary thing abput this whole situation is? Yep you guessed it kids are still going to go out and have sex at a young age and be exposed to sex by people who think it is normal and carry around the mantra “they were going to learn about it or do it sooner or later, so what’s the big deal about showing them now” ? Sadly enough that is just the times we are living in now.

    1. I feel like we need to begin neighborhood fourums and pull together like the prior years and get some dialogue on what verbiage is appropriate for little ears to digest mentally. What in your opinion would be some statements that youngins can honestly hear and be satisfied with the answers? I do feel that with all the technologies we have at our reach in 2015 parents need to have a cut off time and turn in time for all electronics and gadgets to decrease access. Also as a parent I lock phones, computers and other things up. I also put the parental controls on the televisions. My personal view on the explicit channels is: if you have young children don’t even have those channels where the youngin can get access. If there is a television show that the parent likes on an adult channel watch it online or holou so that the child is protected. I’m courious to hear your male prospective on if these methods would work for men trying to raise their children. Please answer even if you currently don’t have children of your own

  3. As a elementary school teacher I deal with children and this sex issue all the time. Honestly it doesn’t matter if the parent exposes the child to sex or not because by the second grade at the latest they tend to know more about sex then a lot of adults and that’s so sad but true. It is important for parents to speak to their children about sex at a young age these days because the last thing you want is for them to learn about it from a child first. I will be teaching my children about sex as soon as they are old enough to have a conversation just as my mother did me. That way they don’t fall into the foolishness of their generations obsession with sex and thinking that sex Is the “thing to do”.

    1. From your point of view and from what you have heard your students discuss, what is the facination with sex that the youngin in second grade talking about?

  4. @Mr. Preshton Banks I would first like to say I appreciate your perspective. I agree with the fact that kids are getting sexual exposure from outside sources and that’s something that we can’t control. However, I feel that we should continue doing our parts by not adding extra influences. That’s the only thing we can do. I rather them get influenced from the outside than someone on the inside pressuring them to do something sexual. Young people look up to their older family members so their opinion goes a far way. Let’s influence them to be millionaires and follow their dreams. So I still feel that it is a big deal to influence them down that path.

    1. Power words regarding let’s influence children to be millionaires. Certainly we have the resources and educationaleams to make a focal change in how OUR Children spend a great deal of their time. As a child growing up we were not allowed to even watch tv scenes with a kiss or a “smouch”. Now I feel that children are exposed to voulger music, distasteful language and behavior from parents, teachers etc . Please don’t mention the unsupervised use of the internet, or the nightly news spewing negative images about families. You mentioned you have a all child. In your opion how will you approach your youngin with the “sex talk”?

  5. It’s gotten to a point where sex is not frowned upon at any age level. It’s almost just “something to do”. We grew up right at the start of the transition to what we see now. Personally I feel like sex should be a choice without any encouragement but that’s what make it tough. When your kid can turn on the tv and sex or sex talks is on every network. If you allow them to be on any social networks, it’s there as well.. The respect for sex and a woman’s body is just lost. The kids will grow up thinking it’s just the thing to do. And we all have had sex and have sex. But before marriage, if u believe in that, it’s still wrong regardless. So I just plan on teaching my kids what’s right. No matter what I have done.. And I will also say I won’t be encouraging or praising sex

    1. As a parent I can appreciate your comments. When you have the conversation with your children about having sex, which aspect will you be emphasizing is the wrong act or way?

  6. I think that exposing children to sexual activity is child abuse. The mental capacity of children can not effectively process the ramifications that having the act performed on them or even doing the act on someone else. The intimacy is missing leaving the child with no idea on how to connect with a person who the actually should become intimate with later on in life. This is robbery of their innocence. I feel that exposing a youngin to sexual behavior is mind control that lingers and destroys their body similar to cancer cells in a host. Feeling helpless is pacified by supplying them with inappropriate gadgets and sexual acts. This is truly time for all parents should get involved with their children, and actually parent them, protect them, and nourish them with the amazing aspects of childhood. It is the parents responsibility to eliminate all people that may be the threat to their children. While this task may not be easy the quest should be the first priority. I feel so disgusted to hear what happened to Lil Wayne and others like him. Truly awful.

  7. The video really puts everything into perspective. Honestly, the approval of this into one’s society is solely based on environment. Also this occurs as a result of learned behavior. Basically men are doing what someone did for them. Demeaning women is always at the top of the list. Someone coming from a mentality of having to do almost anything to survive is naturally going to follow the “way of their world”.

    Men whom never really had a reason to respect women besides their mothers or sisters will always display their learned behavior as such. As a man, I’m really not sure how to feel about the video. These men aren’t necessarily bad, just badly taught. Every environment has it’s pro’s and con’s though. A darker environment may exploit women while a lighter environment will exploit all people. My morals automatically tell me that it was wrong that someone told a girl to give an 11 year old head. But the environment I was raised in would have repeated the process regularly. Personally I would never encourage it.

    Ultimately, I believe kids will find out about sex whether we are ready for them too or not. Often times we can not control the age, time, or whom its with. With internet everywhere, they have 24hr complete access to sex anyway. I believe we need to teach and coach them when they are at the right age to understand. Let them make their own decisions and punish or reward based on their own choices. What age that is…is beyond me.

    1. I just want to add to your comment about the female that performed the act on an 11 year oldsle. What is really going on. Without me demonizing another person, I am just lost that anyone would do this act for any amount if money. If feel violated just hearing of this. I wonder how the child’s mom felt about this when she learned about it or watched the interview. I wish we could ask LilwYne how he would raise his boys. To me Baby could not even speak to my children.

  8. @sexxy135 the best answer for that is “SEX IS A FAD”. It’s what their older siblings, cousins, peers, and thier idols on tv all go crazy over. Sex is more appealing to them than riding bikes, playing with dolls, or watching their fave cartoons. It’s pure craziness. But when you ask them what’s 2 times 5 their puzzled, however they can tell you what a 69 is. But that’s the world we live in now. And let me be clear, it’s not ALL children but it’s a high enough number of them to be of concern. It’s ways to let your children know about sex in ways where you’re not pressuring them.

    1. @Monet. Wow I didn’t know about the widespread of children that would know about 69. Groan ups have to resort back to sending children out of the room and out of their faces so they don’t hear groan up business. There definetly is not a one answer to this but thank you for the discussion.

  9. @sex135 The act on the 11 year old is really sad I agree. The woman who agreed to perform on someone that young really needs help.

    1. @D.J . She probaly 50 years old now if he is 30 now. Wow, certainly not something brag to your grandchildren about

  10. There is a difference between educating someone on something and violating a person. For example you might educate a child on the history of slavery without putting them in chains and beating them . Sex education does not require you to act it out . That is child abuse of the worse kind and could cause a child to contract STD such as AIDS herpes as well as cause orientation confusion and violence. Thanks but no thanks. SMH

    1. @truth I agree with why put the child’s mindset in something that is detrimental to them and all of their generations. The cycle will surely continue.

  11. I think the whole think is just sad at the end of the day. Exposing children to sex to early can definitely ruin their lives even without them knowing it. It really is rape honestly. It destroys their means to explore on their own when they get older. It is not frowned upon because sex sells in this day in age. Does not make it right though.

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